Many people think of chiropractic for only back pain, neck pain, or other types of aches and pains. No doubt chiropractic does an amazing job with those aches and pains; however the best benefits of chiropractic come with wellness care.
So what is chiropractic wellness care anyway? It is regular chiropractic check-ups, even when you feel ‘good,’ to keep your body functioning at its best. How you feel is important, however it is not always a good indication of sickness or health. In fact, in a number of cases the first sign of heart disease, the leading cause of death in the US, is actually death. High blood pressure is often called the ‘silent killer’ because the damaging effects of the disease are often not accompanied by outward symptoms. While spinal subluxation – misalignments of the spine that interfere with the body’s natural ability to heal – is often accompanied by pain, it is not always the case. So just because you feel ‘good’ does not necessarily mean you are healthy.
Regular chiropractic wellness care helps to retrain the muscles and ligaments supporting the spine improving the body’s biomechanics. All this keeps your spine aligned and moving properly allowing the signals sent through the nerves, the body’s communication network, to proceed without interference. Only when the spine is aligned and moving properly can the body’s innate intelligence to be expressed unhindered. This allows the body to function as it should and you can be truly healthy. I have personally observed that those who receive regular chiropractic wellness care are sick less often, feel better, and can handle the stresses of day-to-day life better.
I am committed to bringing better health and a better way of life to my patients by teaching and practicing the true principles of chiropractic wellness care. To learn more about how you can function and feel better contact our office today!