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Chiropractic Thots #1: Introduction & The First Chiropractic Patient

Hello! My name is Dr. Michael Schuneman, I am a chiropractor at Life Symmetry Chiropractic. I had a thought that I wanted to share with you and from time to time there are important things relating to health that I think people should know about. So I am starting a video series called Chiropractic Thots. And yes Thots is spelled T-H-O-T-S, that was intentional. The spelling goes back to BJ Palmer, an early chiropractor, who is known as the developer of chiropractic. He had a dislike of words with unnecessary letters and so would often shorten them. I kind of like the idea so here we have chiropractic thots!

Today for the very first chiropractic thot, I wanted to talk a little about the start of chiropractic. It may surprise you but adjusting the spine is really not something new, but has been around for thousands of years. However, the profession we know to be chiropractic had its start in 1895.

Chiropractic had its start with a man named DD Palmer and the first chiropractic patient was a man named Harvey Lillard. So here is a brief rundown of chiropractic’s amazing start!

Harvey was a janitor in the building where DD had his office. Harvey had lost his hearing several years before. He was telling DD how he had been working in a stooped position when he felt a pop in his back and then his hearing started to diminish. DD thought that the two events were likely related and asked to examine Harvey. Harvey consented and when DD examined him found a lump in the upper back where it appeared the bone of the spine had become misaligned. He asked Harvey to allow him to try and put it back in place and after finally convincing Harvey, in DD’s words he “racked” the bone back into place! And after that adjustment Harvey’s hearing improved.

As you can imagine this created quite a stir and other people wanted to get adjusted. While as far as I know there were not others who got their hearing back, however, a number of other health problems improved in those that were being adjusted!

But how can this be?!? Well you see our body’s are amazing and designed to be self-healing. And the nerve system controls all the functions of the body including healing. And when the spine becomes misaligned it can interfere with the normal function of the nerve system and the body is unable to heal and function at its best.

So remember, the first chiropractic patient was not helped with back or neck pain or headaches or any other type of pain, which is what most people think of when they think of chiropractors. But Harvey was helped to have his hearing restored by an adjustment.

The point I really wanted to get across is that chiropractic can help with so much more than just pain, Now don’t get me wrong, it does a great job of helping people in pain as well, but that is such a small part of how it can improve your health! So basically when you get the spine in proper alignment and balanced, EVERYTHING and I mean everything in the body is able function better!

I hope you enjoyed this short video and I will be doing more in the future. If you liked the video go ahead and hit the like button and please leave a comment of what you thought or if you have any questions or topics that you would like in future videos. THANKS!

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