Over the Labor Day weekend we had the opportunity to go and visit with my wife’s family in northern Utah. It was a very nice trip and we had lots of fun. But as we were driving through one of the beautiful canyons surrounding the Cache Valley area I noticed that the leaves were already changing colors. It was amazing to see the colors of the leaves just starting to change. Here in Colorado Springs I had not even noticed any hints of change in leaf color at the time. Also I had not noticed any changes in leaves in the Salt Lake area. It made me think about how nature knows when it is right to change the leaves and it is not just the time of year that determines it. Trees respond to a number of factors–the most important being temperature–to know when to start the process of changing leaf color and preparing for winter. There is innate intelligence in nature and it is in all living things, including you!
Innate intelligence is the knowledge that your body and all other living things inherently have that they really don’t need to learn. Innate intelligence knows how to regulate your body temperature, acid/base balance, respiration, and heartbeat. You did not have to learn how to do those things and luckily you do not need to consciously think about them either for those processes to happen. Innate intelligence is also responsible for the body healing and repairing itself. In humans and other animal life innate intelligence is transferred through the nerve system.
Now chiropractic is so important because there can be interference with the expression of innate intelligence. If 100% of the innate intelligence is not expressing itself and doing what it does, it leads to problems in the body. The body no longer functions as well as it could, and begins to break down and is not able to adapt as easily to the environment around it. The body has a great ability to adapt and if you are only expressing 90% or 95% you may not even notice any difference at first. However, over time the problem gets worse and eventually leads to outside symptoms that we know as disease.
As a chiropractor in Colorado Springs, my job is to locate areas where there is extra stress on the nerve system and interfering with the expression of innate intelligence. Through specific chiropractic adjustments I release that stress to allow innate intelligence to be expressed more fully. And that just helps the body to function better. It may not take away your symptoms right away but I truly believe you are better after being adjusted than you were before. Chiropractic is for much more than just back pain. Come and see for yourself.