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Chiropractic Thots #1: Introduction & The First Chiropractic Patient

Hello! My name is Dr. Michael Schuneman, I am a chiropractor at Life Symmetry Chiropractic. I had a thought that I wanted to share with you and from time to time there are important things relating to health that I think people should know about. So I am starting a video series called Chiropractic Thots. And yes Thots is spelled T-H-O-T-S, that was intentional. The spelling goes back to BJ Palmer, an early chiropractor, who is known as the developer of chiropractic. He had a dislike of words with unnecessary letters and so would often shorten them. I kind of like the idea so here we have chiropractic thots!

Today for the very first chiropractic thot, I wanted to talk a little about the start of chiropractic. It may surprise you but adjusting the spine is really not something new, but has been around for thousands of years. However, the profession we know to be chiropractic had its start in 1895.

Chiropractic had its start with a man named DD Palmer and the first chiropractic patient was a man named Harvey Lillard. So here is a brief rundown of chiropractic’s amazing start!

Harvey was a janitor in the building where DD had his office. Harvey had lost his hearing several years before. He was telling DD how he had been working in a stooped position when he felt a pop in his back and then his hearing started to diminish. DD thought that the two events were likely related and asked to examine Harvey. Harvey consented and when DD examined him found a lump in the upper back where it appeared the bone of the spine had become misaligned. He asked Harvey to allow him to try and put it back in place and after finally convincing Harvey, in DD’s words he “racked” the bone back into place! And after that adjustment Harvey’s hearing improved.

As you can imagine this created quite a stir and other people wanted to get adjusted. While as far as I know there were not others who got their hearing back, however, a number of other health problems improved in those that were being adjusted!

But how can this be?!? Well you see our body’s are amazing and designed to be self-healing. And the nerve system controls all the functions of the body including healing. And when the spine becomes misaligned it can interfere with the normal function of the nerve system and the body is unable to heal and function at its best.

So remember, the first chiropractic patient was not helped with back or neck pain or headaches or any other type of pain, which is what most people think of when they think of chiropractors. But Harvey was helped to have his hearing restored by an adjustment.

The point I really wanted to get across is that chiropractic can help with so much more than just pain, Now don’t get me wrong, it does a great job of helping people in pain as well, but that is such a small part of how it can improve your health! So basically when you get the spine in proper alignment and balanced, EVERYTHING and I mean everything in the body is able function better!

I hope you enjoyed this short video and I will be doing more in the future. If you liked the video go ahead and hit the like button and please leave a comment of what you thought or if you have any questions or topics that you would like in future videos. THANKS!

June Is Men’s Health Month

Mens health

Did you know? Men’s Health Month occurs during the month of June to spread awareness about proper men’s health and nutrition. The month is dedicated to get attention for men who need to improve their lifestyle habits towards better health year-round. Summer is the ideal time for many men to start eating and exercising better. In addition, they also need to get regular checkups and see their healthcare professionals about their health status.

Yearly Exams

Men need to get their teeth and bodies checked out by their dentist and doctor every year to identify potential problems before they become serious. A doctor or dentist will often catch small problems, like weight gain, blood pressure, blood sugar, small cavities and potential gum issues, helping their patients address the problems before they need expensive and extensive procedures. Yearly exams are important. But there is more men can do to help improve their health or maintain the good health they already enjoy.

Healthy Upkeep

Chiropractic treatment in Colorado Springs is helpful for men who want to help their bodies stay flexible and healthy throughout the year. Just like a dentist and doctor can catch problems early before they become worse, a chiropractor can catch and correct little misalignments of the spine that can lead to pain and more health problems in the future. The chiropractor isn’t the one who does the healing but rather enables a patient’s body to heal on its own with adjustments, massage and other therapies. Chiropractic care is based on the truth that the body heals itself, but is often inhibited by inflammation, misalignment and poor circulation of blood to damaged tissues. Chiropractors not only see injured patients, but also those who are not experiencing pain, but want to improve their overall lifestyle.

Eating Better

Reducing inflaming foods, such as excessive refined sugars and highly processed and low nutrient foods is important for helping the body operate at its optimum level. Men often could benefit from cutting out fried foods and sugary drinks that often contribute to an overeating problem. Adding healthy proteins and nutrients with lean meat (fish and chicken), healthy fats and proteins (eggs, tree nuts and avocados), and natural vitamins (dark greens and colorful vegetables) will help reduce the desire for unhealthy foods. Drinking plenty of water (studies recommend at least 13 cups of water per day for men) is also important for men to maintain healthier bodies and improve their body function.


Exercise doesn’t have to be a dedicated time in the gym. Men need to find an activity that gets their heart pumping and muscles working at least a few times a week. Exercise can come in the form of walking a dog, playing a recreational sport, Frisbee golf, swimming, chasing kids in a game of tag and more. Not only does exercise help the body, but it also reduces stress levels and improves overall mood for most men.

Although the majority of men don’t like going to the doctor for checkups, and many don’t like to eat well and exercise too, it is still important! So please consider your health habits and use this month as a reminder to do a little better!

Preparing For The First Visit

Living with pain is uncomfortable both physically and emotionally. So when experiencing back or neck pain that needs immediate relief, look for a professional chiropractor with a gentle hand and personal touch. It can be normal to experience feelings of apprehension and uncertainty on your first visit to any new practitioner, including the first visit to a chiropractor. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Preparing for your appointment by researching what to expect from treatment can go a long way toward relieving fears. It is important to note that the first visit to a healthcare professional may not result in the start of treatment. The first visit is sometimes used as more of an initial consultation, where the doctor gathers essential medical information in order to form a satisfactory diagnosis and create an effective treatment plan. The first visit is a good opportunity to gauge whether or not the professional relationship is one that fits your needs. So here are some general things to do to prepare for visiting a new chiropractor or other healthcare professional.

Ask and Answer Many Questions

Chiropractors are as much artists as they are scientists. Each practice is different, utilizing techniques that are based on the science of chiropractic in unique ways based on the each practitioner’s philosophies. When seeking chiropractor treatment in Colorado Springs, interviewing a prospective doctor is a vital part of the treatment process.

After your initial visit or consultation, there should be a level of comfort present that makes moving forward with treatment something to look forward to, not fear. There is a great deal of both information and misinformation about chiropractic practices that can be as enlightening as it is confusing. It’s a good idea to bring up any concerns or points of curiosity in order to dispel or clarify any preconceived notions of treatment. It is better to go into a new type of health procedure armed with as much information as possible in order to be able to relax before treatment begins.

Besides the questions you may have for the chiropractor, come prepared to answer questions about your general health history and family history as well. The more the doctor knows about your health history the better able they are to help you make informed decisions about your care. Often you may be able to fill out needed paperwork ahead of time that will give much of the needed information.

Be as Clear About Symptoms as Possible

Being able to pinpoint areas of pain and communicating when and how it started is extremely helpful to allow the doctor to come to the right conclusion about the problem and create a treatment plan that will work. The doctor is better able to work through various issues to alleviate discomfort successfully when he or she is armed with as much information as possible. Before the appointment, it’s wise to write down anything that can be remembered about the onset of the pain, its location, and its pattern. Take the notes to the appointment to share with the chiropractor so he or she can figure out the best way to address your specific health issues.

Communicate and Relax

After the consultation and health history, there is an initial diagnostic exam to determine how to proceed. Some parts of the exam are similar to what a medical doctor would do while other parts may include looking at posture, checking ranges of motion, feeling the back for tight areas and the source of pain, and more. At many chiropractors this examination often can be done without you needing to get undressed or in a medical gown. Tell the chiropractor about any pain that is experienced while he or she is conducting the examination. Not only does this assist the doctor with pinpointing the exact problem and developing an effective treatment, but it also opens the door for conversation that can help you understand what is going on. Ask about what the doctor is doing if he or she hasn’t already explained what they are checking for. Knowing what is happening can help relax tense muscles making the exam and treatment go easier and it also strengthens the doctor-patient relationship. Building a rapport with your healthcare provider goes a long way towards feeling comfortable when embarking on a new way of healing. By learning how to express feelings and needs adequately and appropriately, it becomes easy to obtain the right chiropractor treatment in Colorado Springs.

The Best Chiropractor In Colorado Springs

Best chiropractor in Colorado Springs

Who is the best chiropractor in Colorado Springs? I personally strive to do my best with every patient and feel I offer excellent service. But everyone thinks they are the best at what they do, right? However, I am excited to share with you that recently I was honored to receive not one, but two awards recognizing me as one of the best chiropractors in Colorado Springs!

Neither award was expected. First I received an award in the mail from To be completely honest, until receiving the award in the mail I had never heard of this website. But after looking into the site I discovered has their own methods for looking at reviews and other factors to decide who they think are the three best of many different professions. They are clear that you cannot pay to get on their website, so it is solely for them to use their methods to decide who they think is the best. I was chosen by them as one of the three best rated chiropractors for Colorado Springs! I was surprised and honored to be picked.


But what was even more surprising was the next week I received an e-mail from informing me that Life Symmetry Chiropractic had been selected by them as one of the top 20 chiropractic offices out of over 200 in the area. Again, I had not heard of their website previous to this email. To be honest, I don’t know what criteria they use to decide which practices are the best, and while it is a larger list of top 20, it is still nice to be recognized as having quality service.

I am pleased to have received these awards and will continue to hold to my commitment to bring to Colorado Springs the best health possible and a better way of life by teaching and practicing the true principles of chiropractic wellness care. Thanks to all practice members who helped make these awards possible by submitting such positive reviews about Life Symmetry Chiropractic. Keep spreading the word about what a great practice we are!

3 Reasons Pregnant Women Should Consider Seeing A Chiropractor

pregnant woman

All pregnant women want to do what they can to protect their health along with the health of their babies. However, what many pregnant women in the Colorado Springs area don’t know is that they could be missing out by overlooking the importance of chiropractic treatment. Despite what many women are led to believe, there are actually numerous health and wellness advantages to having basic chiropractic care done during one’s pregnancy.

Reduce Stress on the Back

A lot of times, women complain of having pain in the lower back while pregnant. This is very common unfortunately and part of the reason for it is the changes that take place with posture to accommodate the new baby. What often makes the pain or discomfort worse is that during these changes in posture, the joints of the low back become ‘locked up,’ not allowing proper movement to take place. Luckily, it has been shown again and again that gentle chiropractic adjustments can help restore proper movement to these joints and thus provide some relief of the pain and discomfort. Often the pain is greatly reduced, though toward the end of the pregnancy, some pain or discomfort will remain due to the increased stress on the body. However most women under chiropractic care report much less pain and discomfort and even easier labor and delivery.

Decrease Overall Joint Swelling

Another common complaint women have when they are pregnant is that of joint swelling, which can be painful and make maneuvering very difficult as well. Fortunately, by seeing a chiropractor, pregnant women can have this swelling reduced and enjoy greater comfort. This is done in part through the use of chiropractic adjustments, which can improve circulation throughout the body, as well as with massage or other muscle work. Improved circulation helps to reduce fluid buildup that contributes to joint swelling and offers relief. Some pregnant women have also found that this type of chiropractic treatment can also help reduce leg cramping, making it a win-win.

Reduce Levels of Stress Hormones

Pregnant women often experience increased stress levels during pregnancy, despite the fact that they’re often less active than they were prior to becoming pregnant. This is because pregnancy results in the controlled release of hormones that can cause stress. Fortunately, with custom-tailored pregnancy chiropractic care from an experienced chiropractor, pregnant women can experience the stress relief they need in a session that’s quick and enjoyable. Chiropractic adjustments are safe and gentle so they can be scheduled often for recurring stress as well, making pregnancy more comfortable and enjoyable.

Overall, there are many ways in which chiropractic treatment can benefit pregnant women. With a variety of chiropractic treatments, there are plenty of options available to pregnant women that are worth exploring for a more comfortable pregnancy and a healthier environment for baby as well.

How To Pick The Right Practioner


Looking for a good chiropractor can take a little time, but it’s well worth the research to find the right doctor. Each practitioner has a different philosophy and bedside manner that needs to be taken into consideration. Who can best treat a specific ailment? What is his or her background and experience? These are just a couple of the questions to keep in mind while investigating practitioners.

Decide on the Most Important Factors

Each person has different needs and expectations for their health practitioners. As a first step in finding a good chiropractor, make a list of qualities, techniques, or approaches you want. What are the specific things a doctor needs to have in your situation? Is having someone who is holistic and natural more important? Is there more confidence in someone who has a hospital-like setting? The answers to these types of questions are vitally important for choosing a chiropractor in Colorado Springs who is going to inspire comfort and trust.

Word of Mouth Is Always Valuable

Hearing about the experiences of others with chiropractors in Colorado Springs is helpful for determining whether a certain doctor might be a good fit. Recommendations from trusted friends are much more important than reviews online from strangers, and they can provide more specific and in-depth thoughts on how that doctor treats ailments, interacts with patients, and more. What is the office like? What were some of the proposed treatments that worked or didn’t work? It is very helpful to ask questions of friends or close acquaintances to get an honest view of a practice, especially questions that likely you would not feel comfortable asking at the actual office.

Take Notes on Recommendations

Just as it’s important to take personal notes on what your needs and desires are in a practitioner, it’s also beneficial to jot down the recommendations and suggestions given by friends and acquaintances. Not only does it help with the chiropractor selection process, but it also helps with remembering the names and types of specific treatments the doctor has used previously.

Talk to More Than One Doctor Before Deciding

Just as getting a second opinion on a life-changing diagnosis is encouraged, so is getting a second, third, or more opinions on a new doctor. Taking the time to shop doctors is well worth it. These are healthcare providers who will be an intrinsic factor in determining your overall well-being. The relationship built with the practitioner should be one that is lasting and long term. Get to know the chiropractor as much as possible prior to the first actual session. He or she will appreciate the effort just as much, because it’s important to doctors that their patients are comfortable with recommendations to help direct their health and general care.

Keep Communication Open

Once the right doctor has been found, remember to keep the lines of communication open. A doctor needs to know how patients are feeling as they move forward with treatment. Sharing concerns, thoughts, and anything else that may come up can only strengthen the relationship and improve the quality of treatment. The doctor should be an advocate for patient health, and establishing a healthy professional relationship of give and take will only enhance treatment sessions moving forward.

Finding the right doctor often does take a little work, but the benefits of finding someone you can feel comfortable with and trust far outweighs any inconvenience. I hope you found this information useful and if I can be of help in finding the right chiropractor for you, let me know.

Signs And Treatments For Whiplash

Whiplash refers to a painful injury of the tendons and ligaments of the neck. It is often due to a sudden jolting of that part of the body. It accounts for over three-fourths of injury claims following auto accidents. The following are some signs of whiplash, along with treatments that can help with pain reduction and recovery.

Pain In Just About Every Direction – But Sometimes Not at First

A whiplash injury causes pain when the neck is moved in just about any direction – front, backward and side to side or any combination thereof. However, the pain of whiplash may not be immediately felt right following the accident. Sometimes it can take a day or two for this type of pain to manifest, or occasionally even longer. The pain may come on gradually or suddenly and then get worse as time passes.

Whiplash Symptoms

Other symptoms of a case of whiplash include neck stiffness, tenderness, pain, constricted movement and minor to severe headaches. Interestingly, women seem to be more likely than men to experience whiplash after an accident. While traffic accidents are the main cause, other possibilities like a hit to the head, slipping and falling, or trauma experienced while playing a sport can also result in whiplash. Any movement that causes a sudden jolt can potentially cause a case of whiplash.

A list of many whiplash symptoms is as follows:

  • Neck pain
  • Neck stiffness
  • Upper back/shoulder pain or stiffness
  • Numbness/pain in arms or hands
  • Headaches
  • Lower back pain
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Dizziness
  • Blurry vision
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Memory loss
  • Irritability
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Sleep disturbances/insomnia

Whiplash Injuries

Whiplash consists of injuries to the soft tissues like neck muscles and ligaments as well as the disks in the spine. These injuries cannot be seen with a standard X-ray and are most often diagnosed by considering the signs, symptoms and circumstances that led to the injury. Tests like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and CT scans can assist with diagnosis, but are not typically used unless a more serious spinal injury is a possibility.

Treating Whiplash

Using ice packs on the neck followed by a heating pad or warm bath can assist in reducing swelling and pain, and a pain reliever (over the counter, prescription or even a natural or herbal remedy) can reduce discomfort. A multifaceted approach utilizing massage, physical therapy and chiropractic treatment in Colorado Springs offers the best healing and can also help profoundly in reducing discomfort. Recovery time will depend upon the severity of the case of whiplash.

The Versatile And (Potentially) Amazing Coconut


I recently saw a research paper that caught my attention titled Cocos nucifera (L.) (Arecaceae): A phytochemical and pharmacological review. I know, I bet you saw that title and thought it sounded interesting too. Or probably not if you aren’t as nerdy as me. But my interest was piqued because you may have noticed over the last few years that coconut and coconut water has become much more popular in health food stores.

There are many claims about coconut and how good it is for you, even that coconut water can be used as an IV solution (which is actually true in at least one case). So I wanted to know a little more about what studies have been done on coconut and what I found was pretty cool. Now most of the studies cited in the review were done on rats, but they are still interesting because they give at least some animal evidence of many different effects. Also something to remember is that the studies included all different parts of the coconut tree not just the fruit. Now I am not saying to rush out and buy coconuts or coconut water, but it is pretty amazing just how versatile nature can be.

So here are just a few of the things I found out about coconut from the research article:


Extracts taken from the husk fiber of the coconut are traditionally used to treat arthritis in parts of Brazil. In a few studies in animals, extracts from the husk fibers reduced inflammation induced by injection of carrageenan, and swelling caused by histamine and serotonin injections was reduced in the animal’s paw. It is unknown what specific compounds may be responsible for the anti-inflammatory effects, but that is pretty cool!

Protects the Kidneys

In a study done with rats, coconut water helped prevent the formation of kidney stones. The study was done with three groups of rats: a control group fed regular rat diet and given water, the second group was also fed a regular diet but was given ethylene glycol in their drinking water to induce kidney stones, and the third group with a regular diet as well as the ethylene glycol but was given coconut water. At the end of 7 weeks the group with coconut water had “a drastic decrease” in kidney stones compared to the second group given ethylene glycol. Also the coconut water group had a healthier kidney chemical profile.

Protects the Heart

In a couple of studies on rats, coconut water and coconut sprouts showed heart benefits. Coconut water actually protected the rats from a chemically induced heart attack! In the study with coconut sprouts they again induced heart attacks and the coconut sprout group had lower levels of cardiac markers (the chemicals they look for to determine if you had a heart attack) and had increased antioxidant status. Coconut water has also been shown to help decrease “bad” cholesterol.

Anti-Diabetic Activity

Some more studies in rats using coconut water in chemically induced diabetes showed positive results similar to oral hypoglycemic medications. Coconut water helped decrease blood glucose levels as well as decrease markers for liver damage that are normally seen in diabetic rats. While there is still more research that would need to be done it is fascinating the wide range of effects coconut can have.

Other Effects

A few other notable effects mentioned in the review include antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral activites; possibility of helping to kill cancer cells; liver-protective activities; and decreasing blood pressure as well.

In closing, coconut is pretty cool! But again many of these studies are preliminary and have not been shown to have the same effects in humans. So don’t expect all your ills to be solved simply by eating coconuts or drinking coconut water. But if you enjoy coconut already, it very well may be benefiting your health.


Cocos nucifera (L.) (Arecaceae): A phytochemical and pharmacological review
Coconut water being used IV

Emotional Causes Of Back And Neck Pain

Emotional causes of pain

Back and neck pain can have a number of physical causes, from an auto accident to incorrect posture to repetitive use to a sporting injury. However, in some cases, pain and injuries can have emotional components that contribute to the discomfort and prevent healing. Any chiropractor in Colorado Springs can help diagnose and treat back and neck pain with spinal adjustments, but gaining insights into the potential emotions within the injury can help to expedite healing and promote holistic health and well-being. In fact, sometimes resolution of pain and symptoms does not come until you address the emotions that you associate with the pain.

Here are some possible emotions to consider that may be related to your back and neck pain.

A Lack of Support

One of the most common emotional causes of back pain – particularly lower back pain – is the feeling of not being supported in life. Those who experience chronic middle to lower back pain should consider how they might solicit more support from the people around them. If those closest to us refuse to offer more emotional support, a change in relationship status may be called for. Reaching out to new friends and groups related to one’s interests can also help in building more support in life, reducing the need for the back muscles to send a message of pain and discomfort.

The Weight of the World

Upper back and shoulder pain can indicate that a particularly heavy burden is being carried or shouldered at this time. Those with shoulder and upper back pain should consider how they might be overburdening themselves and look for ways to lighten their emotional or task-related load.

A Pain in the Neck (Literally)

The body can be very metaphoric, and the saying “a pain in the neck” referring to a person or situation may be more than just a figure of speech. Persistent neck pain could indicate that someone or something in life is a thorn in one’s side, holding back progress or momentum. Becoming conscious of the deeper causes of neck pain along with assistance from a chiropractor in Colorado Springs can make all the difference.

Back and neck pain can impede quality of life and make even everyday tasks more difficult. While physical causes like an accident, sports injury or repetitive movements can be the catalyst, many back and neck injuries also have emotional components. For deeper, more holistic healing, potential emotional causes should be considered. A qualified specialist like a chiropractor can assist with physical healing, but each individual ultimately is responsible for their own emotional health and well being. However, we can help there as well with guidance and insights on emotions to help you balance body, mind, and soul.

The Chiropractor’s Coming To Town

The Chiropractor's Coming to Town

We like to have some fun around here at Life Symmetry Chiropractic and around Christmas time we like to get a little creative and have some fun with Christmas songs. This year we give you ‘The Chiropractor’s Coming to Town’ (to the tune of ‘Santa Claus Is Coming to Town’). Dr. Schuneman, DC would like to thank his wonderful and talented wife with helping so much with this one. Thanks!

The Chiropractor’s Coming to Town

You better call soon
You better not wait
You better make room
So your back won’t break
The chiropractor’s coming to town

He’s feeling your spine
Checking it twice
Gonna find out what’s not in line
The chiropractor’s coming to town

He sees you when you’re hurting
He knows when you feel great
He wants to keep you functioning well
Get adjusted for goodness sake

You better call soon
You better not wait
You better make room
So your back won’t break
The chiropractor’s coming to town

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