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What Are The Most Common GMO Products?


I have blogged about Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) before – Genetically Modified Foods: Thoughts & OpinionsGMO Labeling in ColoradoFollow-up Article About GMO. In summary I think there are a lot of questions that are unanswered about their safety and that overall they should be avoided. Today’s post is more about where GMOs are found in foods. Unfortunately GMO foods or additives are ubiquitous today. And the short of it is if you really want to avoid GMO products, you need to know where it is coming from. So following is a some of the most common GMO foods and what other foods they might be in. A great resource is also the Non-GMO Shopping Guide published by the Institute for Responsible Technology.


The most prevelant GMO crop in the US is the soybean. In 2014 GM soybeans accounted for 94% of all soybean acreage in the US. These soybeans are herbicide resistant crops, which means that they are genetically modified to withstand applications of certain herbicides that normally would kill the plant. Eating soy in general has questionable health effects (unless it is fermented soy) with possible links with cancer and disruption of hormones. Unfortunately, soy is found in A LOT of processed foods and as additives. With 94% being GMO it is almost guaranteed that if it is not specifically labeled organic or non-GMO and contains soy or a soy product it contains GMO soy. So what are some of the soy products that might be added to foods? Here is a short list: soybean oil, soy protein, soy protein isolates, soy lecithin, and soy flour. Ever see any of these in the ingredient list?


Another big GMO crop in the US is corn. There are two types of GM corn, one is herbicide resistant like soybeans and the other is Bt corn which actually has the corn create an insecticide that will kill certain types of insects that eat it. Actually the most prevalent type of GM corn is a combination of the two types so it is herbicide resistant and also produces the Bt toxin. So in 2014 89% of corn had the herbicide resistance trait and 80% had the Bt trait. One good thing about corn though is that there are no GMO types for the variety used for popcorn.

So does your food contain corn? Well if you have ever looked at food label for thousands of processed foods, you have found corn or its derivative there. High fructose corn syrup sound familiar? Or even just corn syrup? How about corn starch? Or corn meal? Corn oil also is commonly used in processed food. When you consider these ingredients it is not difficult to see how easily that GMO might end up in your food. With how commonly high fructose corn syrup is used, it shows up even in sweets or other foods you might not expect.


While you may not think about cotton ending up in your food, it actually is there sometimes in the form of cottonseed oil. But even if it isn’t in your food, many people may be surprised that much of the cotton in the US is now GMO as well. Again cotton has herbicide resistant and Bt varieties and also the combination of the two. The herbicide resistant cotton accounted for 91% and Bt cotton was 84% of cotton acreage in the US in 2014.


One more major GMO crop is used to make sugar. Now we aren’t just talking about ‘corn sugar’ which some are trying to use as a re-branding of high fructose corn syrup. What I am referring to is sugar beets. While I am not as sure if this is completely accurate, from a brief look online 100% of sugar beets may be GMO in the US. These beets are designed to be herbicide resistant to glyphosate the main active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup. Now not all sugar in the US comes from sugar beets but from what I understand about half comes from sugar beets. The other main source of sugar is from sugar cane. However, unless the ingredients specifically say the sugar is from sugar cane it is likely that at least some of the sugar is coming from GM sugar beets. So what that means is that if it is not organic or non-GMO if it just says ‘sugar’ on the label it likely is at least in part GMO.


I hope this information is considered useful. Now to be honest this is not an exhaustive list of all GMO approved crops. There are still a few others but these are some of the biggest ones. I know for me it is somewhat disheartening to realize just how wide spread GMO use is in our food supply. But with knowledge comes power and being aware of sources of GMO you can actually make a choice whether or not you want to eat it. This is one reason that I think GMO should be labeled: it would give those who want to avoid it the opportunity to do so and those that don’t care can still eat it. Unfortunately as the way our food system is set up if you wanted to avoid GMO or the possibility of GMO it removes most processed foods from your options which is inconvenient but if you can do it, you are really better off without them.


Best Yoga Poses To Alleviate Lingering And Debilitating Back Pain


Suffering from back pain is no fun, and it can be difficult to imagine that doing exercise could make the pain any better. However, the following yoga poses can help to stretch the back while promoting proper posture and building strength. Depending on the cause of the back pain, yoga can be a great way to help. In addition to yoga, anyone suffering from back pain is encouraged to contact a chiropractor in Colorado Springs. At Life Symmetry Chiropractic, we believe in working with each of our patients to restore their quality of life. When a person needs chiropractic treatment in Colorado Springs, let our friendly and professional staff help.

Here are a few basic yoga poses that can help to stretch tight muscles in the low back and hips that can be a major cause of back pain. As with any stretching, take it easy and don’t over do it, and if it is more painful than just a good stretch, you are probably better off not doing it and getting further evaluation. If you need some help with what the poses look like you can easily find pictures of the poses online.

Downward-Facing Dog

Perhaps the most recognizable yoga pose, downward-facing dog is great for stretching the back. The pose helps to elongate the back extensors that help support the spine, maintain good posture and operate without pain. To perform the pose correctly, start in table pose on the hands and knees and raise the knees away from the floor. Lift the tailbone as high as possible and focus on moving the feet as close to the floor as possible. Because it is important to have a straight back, bend the knees if necessary to lift the tailbone higher.

Child’s Pose

To a person that does not practice yoga, child’s pose may appear to be devoid of any activity; however, it is far from a restful position. Because the back is elongated against the top of the thighs with the arms stretched over the head, this is a great position for alleviating lower back pain. Start in table position before sitting against the backs of the legs while moving the arms forward. Ultimately, a person’s chest should rest on the top of their thighs while the hands point towards the top of the mat.

Pigeon Pose

Although challenging for a newbie to yoga, the pigeon pose helps to loosen tight hip muscles that can contribute to pain in the lower back. Start the pose in downward-facing dog then bring one leg towards the chest and bend it so that it is pointing to the side and lower the hips towards the floor. Although the goal is to make the foot of the bent leg perpendicular with the side of the mat, it may not be possible. To give the hips more support, use a block under the hip of the bent leg.

I hope you have found these yoga poses helpful. Back pain is not something you should have to live with. If you need further help with your back pain, please contact us.

Is Your Health “Bought” By Big Corporations?


Whether you know it or not your ‘health’ (or lack thereof) is bought by big corporations! The pharmaceutical industry spends billions of dollars a year to market their drugs to not only the public but to doctors as well. There have been numerous instances when these pharmaceutical companies have had to pay billions of dollars in fines for inappropriately advertising or even falsifying information to get drugs approved. But when you make tens of billions of dollars on drug sales, paying billion dollar fines could be looked at as just a cost of doing business.

While there are many, many medical doctors that are caring and want to do what is best for their patients often they do not have accurate information to make informed decisions in patient care. Drug companies often are the ones responsible for the information those doctors see, even in scientific journals. And that information is often biased towards a certain drug. Unfortunately the regulatory agencies that are supposed to be keeping us safe are not doing their jobs. There are conflicts of interest and a virtual ‘revolving door’ between government agencies and the industry they are supposed to regulate.

This same situation goes beyond just the medical and pharmaceutical industries as well. It also affects our food industry as well. The companies that stand to gain financially are supplying the majority of information about safety and effectiveness of their products with little outside oversight. Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are an excellent example. The same companies that produce GMOs produce the pesticides that the GMOs are supposed to be resistant to and provide the safety testing for these same products.

If these things are surprising to you, you need to educate yourself about what is going on that you likely are not aware of. If you were already aware of some of these things, there is always more to learn. Knowledge really is power. You have to take control of your own health. A great opportunity to help educate yourself about what goes on with these big corporations and the corruption that unfortunately goes with them is to watch the documentary “Bought”. Right now it is available to be viewed for free through March 6th. I had the opportunity to watch it this past weekend and thought it was very well done. There is no question that as a whole our country is getting more and more sick, but no real answers as to why. I think this documentary gives some answers as to the why, and that is because ultimately profit is put above our health. Please take the opportunity to watch this documentary and get informed and take control of your health!

Watch the “Bought” documentary by clicking here.

Chiropractic Care For Migraines: A Natural Approach


One problem with diagnosing and treating migraines is that they may be caused by a number of factors. For example, some things that may aggravate these painful headaches are hormone changes, allergies, fatigue, stress, or even certain kinds of food and drink. The things that aggravate migraines in individuals are called triggers, and they are often unique for each patient. There are even many migraine sufferers who have no idea what they do that triggers their painful or disabling symptoms.

While some suffer from agonizing pain, others are more bothered by visual symptoms. No matter how disruptive these symptoms are, many patients would prefer not to rely upon strong medications that may have unpleasant side effects. They would prefer to rely upon more natural remedies and chiropractors offer natural treatments that are based upon years of scientific research.

Natural Chiropractic Migraine Treatment

Doctors of chiropractic, usually called chiropractors, may offer an effective, natural treatment for migraine sufferers. In fact, a study from Macquarie University found that seventy percent of test subjects enjoyed either noticeable or substantial improvement in symptoms after undergoing chiropractic treatment. Of the test subjects, 22 percent said they enjoyed more than a 90 percent improvement in their migraines.

The subjects rated the treatments over the six-month study period. They gave positive ratings if their migraines did not occur as frequently, did not last as long, or required less medication to control.

How Do Chiropractors Treat Migraine Headaches?

Chiropractors use natural means to reduce or eliminate migraine symptoms. Spinal manipulation (adjustments) can help relieve pressure on the neck and skull. In addition, the chiropractor will work with you to pinpoint and eliminate migraine triggers. In some cases, he may send you home with some exercises to practice every day and a suggested diet. If you take medication or have other health issues, the chiropractor can work with your doctor.

Learn More About Chiropractic Treatment for Migraine Headaches

At Life Symmetry Chiropractic, we hope you will make us your chiropractor in Colorado Springs. We offer chiropractic treatment for migraines, other types of headaches, and many other types of pain or physical dysfunction. You can call at any time for a free consultation with the doctor.

A Few Things About Wheat Flour


I love being able to share things that I have learned that can help people become healthier! Today I wanted to share a few things that I have learned about food processing. More specifically I want to share with you a little about wheat. I know that wheat and gluten really have been vilified by many in recent years. I personally don’t think it is wheat itself that is the problem, but rather how it is processed and used. So today I wanted to share some of how wheat flour is made and changes in milling over the years.

The Wheat Berry

To understand flour, we need to know a little bit about wheat. The kernel of wheat or wheat berry is what is ground to make flour. The wheat berry has three parts to it: bran, germ, and endosperm. The bran is the hard outer covering of the wheat berry. It contains a small amount of protein, several vitamins and minerals as well as fiber. The germ is the part of the wheat kernel that will sprout. It contains vitamins and minerals as well as some healthy fats. The endosperm is the largest part of the wheat berry and is what is used to make white flour. It does contain several vitamins and minerals, but is the most ‘starchy’ part of the wheat berry.

Flour Today

The vast majority of flour that is used today is enriched bleached white flour. It is probably what you think of when you think of flour. Let’s take a look at what exactly that flour is. First off, enriched bleached white flour is only made with the endosperm of the wheat berry. Then it is further processed with a bleaching agent, which also helps to ‘age’ the flour as well. And finally it has been ‘enriched’ with some vitamins and minerals to make up the lost nutrients from not using the whole wheat berry. But how did we get to this point that this is what most of our flour looks like?

Milling Flour

Back to when flour was first made, it was done by hand by grinding the wheat between two stones in mortar and pestle fashion. Later developments in milling wheat still used two stones but they rotated against one another grinding the wheat into flour. These stones may have been turned by any number of ways: water, wind, animal- or man-power, and later motors. But in all these cases the whole wheat berry was ground together. If you wanted white flour, the whole wheat flour was then sifted through a series of cloths to help remove the bran and germ from the flour. Some of the nutrients from the bran and germ still remained even after this sifting. Because of this, white flour used to be very expensive. Also any flour would have had a shorter shelf life because of the oils in the germ would eventually go rancid.

Then around the late 1800’s the stones were replaced with metal or porcelain rollers. The advantage of the rollers is that you could separate the bran, germ, and endosperm before grinding the wheat to make flour. So now to make white flour you simply take the endosperm portion and grind it. This made white flour much easier and affordable to make, however it is missing the nutrients from the bran and the germ. Even whole wheat flour processed with rollers is separated into the three parts and then recombined to have the proper proportions. While this is a little better, personally I think this is not equivalent to grinding the whole wheat berry.

Bleached Flour

Another change with the processing of flour is bleaching it. Unbleached flour needs to sit and ‘age’ for months to get proper texture to be used in baking. Bleaching flour with chemicals will do the same process but much faster and also improves the color giving the very white color that most of us are used to. However, it does add chemicals to the process and many of the chemicals used in the US to bleach flour are not allowed in other parts of the world to be used in food processing. If you have ever looked into food processing here in the US compared to other countries this will come as no surprise.

Bromated Flour

Along with the chemicals from bleaching, another chemical that has made its way into much of the baked goods we eat is bromine. Why is bromine a problem? Well it is a halogen like iodine and can compete for binding of iodine. Your body needs and uses iodine, especially the thyroid gland. It cannot use bromine but the bromine binds on in place of iodine. So it can act as a goitrogen meaning it can contribute to a goiter of the thyroid gland. Before the 1980’s iodine was used instead of bromine in many bakery products, but unfortunately it was later replaced with bromine. Bromated flour may not need to be specifically mentioned on the label as best I understand the labeling requirements when “potassium bromate is added in a quantity not exceeding 50 parts to each million parts of the finished bromated flour, and is added only to flours whose baking qualities are improved by such addition.” Now you can get flour that is specifically unbromated, but if it does not specifically say it is not there, there may not be a way to know if bromine is present or not.

So what are the consequences of all these changes in processing? Well to be honest it is hard to know for sure, but it is likely one small piece in the epidemic of many of the metabolic diseases we see today. When you take out nutrients and add chemicals even in small amounts, over time it is going to have some effect on health.

What we have done in my family is gotten a little stone wheat grinder that can be run by hand (or attached to a motor with some additional parts). We have started grinding our own whole wheat and then also use some unbleached unbromated white flour as a mix to make homemade bread. I don’t expect everyone to do the same thing but I know I feel better about what I am eating because I know what is in it (or not in it). And if you want to skip some of those chemicals you can look for unbleached unbromated flour to make your own baked goods. After all, who doesn’t love homemade bread?


David Brownstein, MD Iodine Why You Need It Why You Can’t Live Without It, 5th Ed. Medical Alternatives Press, 2014.


I felt I needed to touch on the subject of vaccines again. I have written on the subject before (Are Vaccines Safe & Effective?Thoughts on the Flu ShotMore Thoughts on the Flu Shot). However, the recent ‘outbreak’ of measles has brought the subject to the front lines again. I will start off by stating that I think that every parent should be able to make choices about their child’s health and not have a one size fits all mentality forced upon them. What I find most disturbing is that there are those who express opinions that those parents who do not vaccinate their children should be thrown in jail. Also questions about being able to sue parents who do not vaccinate their children. Well if that ever does happen, it would be extremely hypocritical since you are not able to sue the companies that make vaccines if your child is harmed from those vaccines.

Personally, I think vaccines do work to some extent. If nothing else, they change the presentation of the disease that it is intended to prevent. However, I know that what is represented in most of the media is not a balanced look at the issue. While vaccines may have played a part in decreasing the incidence of many diseases, to claim that they are the sole or most important factor is, I think, inaccurate. The risks of vaccination are constantly being downplayed and the benefits often stretched. I think the question should still be: Is the benefit of vaccinating better than the negative consequences? I know with the information that I have found through countless hours of studying the issue, reasearching, and looking at sources, what my decision is at this point. But to be honest it may change in the future as I find out more information though I find that unlikely. My object is not to tell you what to choose–you must do that for yourself–but to give you information that you may not know.

Before I get into some recent articles that I have found that give some information you may not be aware of, I want you to think about some things.

  • Has the incidence of other diseases, without a vaccine, decreased in the last several decades? And why?
  • Is there any other possible explanation why infectious diseases have decreased in the last several decades besides vaccination?
  • Is there any other possible motive besides ‘community health’ in making vaccines mandatory?
  • Who would benefit from forced vaccination? Is there lots of money to be made?
  • In areas where there is high vaccination rates (98-99%) has it been successful in eliminating those diseases?
  • Are there benefits to actually having a disease naturally and obtaining natural immunity vs artificial immunity?
  • How are vaccines determined to be effective? Does having antibodies against a disease mean you are immune?
  • How trustworthy is the source of information? Are there conflicts of interest?

In my studies I have come to the conclusion that nothing is as cut and dry as it is made to appear. There are always others that have opposing views and there is merit to those opposing views. And we should show respect for others with a different view. I am unfortunately no longer surprised how quickly any discussion on vaccines will quickly devolve into name calling and insults. If you are confident in your position there is no need for that. And that goes for both sides of the issue. And those that claim that ‘science has spoken’ and there cannot be any other point of view do not understand the scientific process. While there are many things that are well established, it does not mean that a new discovery or new information could not turn those well established beliefs on their heads. But the information is the best that we have and we try to make the best decisions based on that information. But here is some of what I believe is the opposing view.

Now this is not an exhaustive list of all the information about vaccines and vaccination but merely some recent articles that I found very interesting on vaccines and the companies that make them. I hope you enjoy.

Measles and Measles Vaccine: 14 Things To Consider – Specifically about measles some of the history of measles and the measles vaccine that you may not know.

Vaccines don’t work and I don’t need you telling me they do — I know how to read! – This article has an infographic which gives a good overview of the concerns about and the history of vaccination.

Herd Immunity: Can Mass Vaccination Achieve It? – Overview of herd immunity naturally occurring and through vaccination. Written by Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD.

Measles: A Rash of Misinformation – Another overview of some of the history behind measles and the measles vaccine.

Why is the Mainstream Media Ignoring Measles Vaccine Fraud Cases? – Reporting on things related to vaccines and vaccine manufacturers that are not covered in the mainstream media such as ongoing court case of fraud against Merck and CDC whistleblower.

Merck Paid for Medical ‘Journal’ Without Disclosure – 2009 article about how Merck paid for studies to go into what looked like a medical journal.

The 21 curious questions we’re never allowed to ask about vaccines – Interesting article that asks questions about vaccines. Also contains many pictures of actual vaccine information inserts.

The FREE Valentine Station Is Back!

Today I just wanted to quick let you know that the Life Symmetry Chiropractic FREE Valentine Station is back! I enjoy doing this every year and I hope you have some fun with it and it helps bring a smile to someone this Valentine’s Day. Or maybe even help someone have better health this year as well.

How Does It Work?

The FREE Valentine Station is easy to use. Basically I have done as much of the work as I can so that you can send out Valentine cards to family, friends, co-workers, etc. You can use the FREE Valentine Station in a few easy steps.

  1. Pick your Valentine Cards and write out your Valentine greeting.
  2. For local Valentine Cards, pick out a gift certificate & put it in the envelope.
  3. You supply where to send it and I will supply the postage.
  4. Put your Valentine Cards into the “Valentine Mailbox.”
  5. Smile!…You just made someone’s day with a fun Valentine!

It’s that easy!

What Gift Certificates Can I Include?

I have two options for your gift certificates that you can include with local Valentines.

  1. Complimentary Wellness Certificate – good for a consultation, chiropractic evaluation and report of findings. Also includes $5 off chiropractic adjustment.
  2. Deluxe Health & Relaxation Package – consultation, chiropractic evaluation, report of findings, TWO chiropractic adjustments, and a 1 hour massage for only $99.

If you want to participate, you’ll bring a list of people you want to send Valentines to (with addresses) to the office so we can send off their Valentines. Here is a link to a page that you can fill out ahead of time that has the information you will need to participate.

Think about it, when was the last time you sent someone a Valentine Card? Elementary school? I hope you enjoy this as much as I do and that you think of someone that you could send a Valentine to this year. Have a wonderful day!

Does Intent Matter?

Intent pic

Recently this question has been on my mind. And the conclusion that I have come to is yes, intent matters. But what does this have to do with life or health? Today’s post is going to be a bit more philosophical in nature but again I think that it is something important. I hope you will come to see why this is important and how it may affect your health and well-being.

To start off what do I mean by ‘intent’? The idea I am getting at is our motive or reason behind our actions. What we hope to happen through our actions. The idea of intent making a difference is not a new concept. In the Bible we can read: “Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:1). And in other scripture we read: “For behold, if a man being evil giveth a gift, he doeth it grudgingly; wherefore it is counted unto him the same as if he had retained the gift; wherefore he is counted evil before God.” (Moroni 7:8). So this is not a new idea but has been around for thousands of years. But it does not just apply in a religious setting either. Now what about in a health setting?

Placebo and Nocebo

Most people are probably familiar with the placebo effect. Merriam Webster online defines placebo effect as “improvement in the condition of a patient that occurs in response to treatment but cannot be considered due to the specific treatment used.” Another example is that a placebo is often used in experiments. The placebo really does not have any beneficial effect itself but some people will improve when given a placebo because they think or believe it will help them. The opposite effect can also happen and this is the nocebo effect. The definition of nocebo is “a harmless substance that when taken by a patient is associated with harmful effects due to negative expectations or the psychological condition of the patient.”

While placebo and nocebo are not exactly the same as intent, I think it they are very closely related. In my mind it comes back to what we believe or our expectations with a certain action. This goes back to intent or why you are doing something and what you expect to happen because of that action. So placebo and nocebo are basically examples of intent in relation to yourself. When you take or do something you intend for a certain result and often that result to some degree will happen. So what about intent in actions toward others? Does this matter?


So does your intent in actions towards others matter? I think it does. Now I do not have any handy studies to back up this point, though I believe there probably are some out there if I looked hard enough. From my experience intent does matter. As a chiropractor when I am most focused and intent on helping people and not distracted by other things, I find patients have greater results. Now that is not to say that doing good and healthy things won’t result in good results, but when the focus and intent is there it seems to be even better.

Now why might this be? Well my thought is that our intent changes our actions. Now I am not talking about the overall action but the little subtle things. I don’t think most of these little things are even consciously perceptible, but are done subconsciously. I think most of us have experienced this is some way or another. Going back to the example of giving a gift, it might be given grudgingly or sincerely. While the overall action of giving the gift is the same is there a difference in receiving a gift that is given grudgingly or sincerely? I truly believe there is and it goes back to our perception. If a gift is given insincerely even if done with a smile and all the outward show of sincerity often we will pick up on something amiss and it won’t mean the same. I truly believe that we are more than just a physical being, but that there is a spiritual part to us all. And I think some of the intention is perceived spiritually.

How Does This Relate To Health?

Intent relates to health because to truly be healthy we need to have balance between our body, mind, and soul. Intent has a lot to do with our soul. If we do things with good intent, it is healthy for our soul, but when we have bad intent with our actions it is detrimental to the health of our soul. And this also relates to the mind as well. Again, when we are positive in our thoughts, intents and actions we will be a more positive person and think more positively. And there is quite a bit of evidence out there that positive thinking can improve your health.

In closing, I ask you to think a little about your intents and actions. Also I invite you to try a little experiment of your own—to focus on what you do with real intent in helping and serving others and see if it makes a difference.

If you have any experiences that are an example of how intent has made a difference in your life I would love to hear it. And if you would please share it in the comments. Thanks!

References: accessed January 14, 2015. accessed January 14, 2015. effect accessed January 14, 2015. accessed January 14, 2015.

Introducing Life Symmetry Chiropractic’s Referral Program

Happy New Year! I hope that you are having a great new year. I am excited to let you know about some new things going on here at Life Symmetry Chiropractic. In this new year I am introducing a referral program. I consider it a great compliment when you refer your family and friends in to the office. I appreciate the trust that you are showing in me as a chiropractor to care for your loved ones. For that great vote of confidence I wanted to have a small way to say ‘Thank You’ beyond giving my best to each and every person you refer in to the office, and so I have implemented a referral program.

For every new patient that you refer into the office who comes in, our way of saying ‘Thanks’ is that you receive half-off on a regular visit or half-off of an hour massage. This half-off discount would be applied after other discounts such as time of service and military discounts. Also if you happen to have two referrals you could combine them and get a free regular visit or a free one hour massage.

Then there is one more thing I wanted to do to make it a little more fun. Each month there will be a drawing for a free 1 hour massage. For every referral that comes into the office you will also get one entry into the drawing for the free massage. Each month is a new drawing and your chances of being picked depend on how many referrals came in that month and how many people are entered in to the drawing that month. I think this will be pretty fun and I hope you enjoy it too!

Also we will likely from time-to-time have other contests or drawings for referrals as well, other than the monthly massage drawing mentioned above. Again I wanted to have a way to say ‘Thank You’ for sending family, friends, and co-workers my way so that I can help them through chiropractic care.

Now unfortunately there are some exclusions to the referral program. Due to federal law, giving or receiving remuneration for referrals paid by federal health programs is illegal. Now from my understanding there may be certain instances where it is still considered okay, however to avoid potential problems, referrals that are Medicare patients will be excluded from the referral program. If you have any questions about this feel free to contact me at the office.

I hope this year is a good one for you and your family’s health! If there is anything that I can do to help you achieve your health goals this year, please let me know. And if there is someone that you know that could benefit from chiropractic care, I would be honored to help them to the best of my ability.

Back Pain Relief From Life Symmetry Chiropractic

Back pain relief

Living with back or neck pain can be very difficult; here at Life Symmetry Chiropractic, our goal is to provide you with the relief you need to go on with your life as pain-free as possible. In fact, our mission here is to empower families and individuals alike by optimizing their health. We have a team of experienced and compassionate staff, including our very own Dr. Michael Schuneman, DC, who has always had a passion for helping people. If you’re looking for a chiropractor you can really trust in the Colorado Springs area, we’re here to help.

About Dr. Schuneman, DC

Dr. Michael Schuneman, DC graduated valedictorian from Brigham Young University and received his Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science with a minor in Nutrition, so he’s cared about people’s health from a young age. From there, he went on to obtain is Doctor of Chiropractic degree from the Palmer College of Chiropractic, graduating Summa Cum Laude as a valedictorian once again.

Dr. Schuneman, DC is the founder of Life Symmetry Chiropractic and has a passion for learning. He spends a little time each day searching for new information and articles that may be beneficial to the health of his patients. He is also a member of the Palmer Alumni Association and has his Pre-Participation Physical Examination (Sports Physicals) Certification through the Colorado Chiropractic Association.

More About Life Symmetry

No matter the cause of your back or neck pain, the experts at Life Symmetry Chiropractic can help. We specialize in finding and helping remove spinal subluxations through specific chiropractic adjustments. We have found that spinal subluxation is one of the most common and overlooked causes of back pain in our patients.

Of course, back and neck pain aren’t the only problems we can help with. We’re also able to assist with treating pain caused by scoliosis, whiplash, work-related injuries, carpel tunnel, headaches, and even shoulder and knee pain.

Furthermore, if you’re suffering from stress or find that you’re always getting sick, then we may also be able to assist you with developing a diet and exercise routine that boosts your immune system and helps you lead a less stressful life. Through chiropractic treatment, we also help Colorado Springs area residents with pregnancies, colic in babies, allergies, growing pains, and so much more. We seek to be the greatest support for yours and your family’s health.

If you’ve been thinking about seeing a chiropractor but weren’t sure whether or not it was right for you, we hope you’ll give Life Symmetry Chiropractic a try. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with just how well it goes and how much your life is improved as a result.

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