For those new to the Colorado Springs, Colorado area or those that need a chiropractor for the first time, it can be difficult to know where to start to find chiropractic treatment. A patient should choose a chiropractor that develops a personal rapport with patients to improve their health and reduce their pain. Life Symmetry Chiropractic can treat patients that may have experienced a recent injury or have been suffering with chronic pain and want some relief.
We can help with a number of conditions and chronic sources of pain, including whiplash, ankle pain, irritation and pain caused by allergies, scoliosis, arm aches, chronic pain that interrupts sleep, recent or chronic sports injuries, knee pain, recent or chronic work injuries, shoulder aches, children experiencing pain from puberty and growing, constipation pain, headaches, pregnancy aches, sciatica pain, neck pain, and backaches.
Patients who visit Life Symmetry Chiropractic will receive their care with a number of treatment options. No matter what the problem the patient is experiencing or what the treatment will eventually be; all patients must visit our office for a consultation and chiropractic exam, which may include x-rays if needed, first to determine the root cause of the problem. From there, we can begin treatment, which may include hand adjustments, adjustments using drop pieces on chiropractic tables, and instrument adjustments. We can even treat babies and younger patients by using low force chiropractic adjustments that are safe and gentle on growing bodies.
Patients at Life Symmetry Chiropractic can also take advantage of spinal decompression, which helps with back pain conditions like sciatica, bulging or herniated discs, and other chronic pain. With this treatment, we use traction on the spine to take pressure off the disc which helps muscles to relax and the patient often experiences less pain and an improved quality of life. We can also offer nutritional counseling so that patients can learn to be healthier which many times will lead to losing weight, which can also affect pain levels. For those that need a means of reducing stress, Life Symmetry Chiropractic also offers massages and can teach other stress-reducing techniques.
For patients that have never visited us before, they can visit our website to download and print several forms. These include a patient demographic and health history form, a HIPAA consent form, and the Life Symmetry Chiropractic financial policy. By filling these out ahead of time and bringing them to their appointment, patients save some time in the office.
Patients that want to reduce their pain through chiropractic care can call us to receive a free consultation today where we at Life Symmetry Chiropractic can discuss potential treatment options. Patients can contact us via phone, text message, or through email.