You may not have heard about this because it has not been picked up by the big news providers. Unfortunately this is not that surprising. It is likely that the owners of the large media outlets or their major advertisers would not want this information to get out. It is sad to say that money really does drive many aspects of our lives, including information that is available. This should be huge news that a whistleblower inside the CDC has claimed that scientific fraud was done to cover-up an association between the MMR vaccine and a rise in autism is black children.
This association was found to affect more specifically boys. It is not known what caused the association and it does not necessarily ‘prove’ that vaccines cause autism, but it is compelling evidence in support of that idea. Now whether or not you think vaccines are good, bad, or are indifferent, the real issue is that there is evidence that the CDC found results that it did not want shown and so changed the way the statistical analysis was done to hide those results. That is scientific fraud and it brings up questions of why. If the CDC truly had the best interests of the public in mind, there would be no reason to hide this information as it may have led to numerous children having an adverse reaction.
Unfortunately I think the reason it was hidden is that the CDC has a huge conflict of interest in pushing vaccinations. And this evidence would have been problematic to that agenda. Making the ‘science’ fit what you want is not science at all. It also calls into question all of the studies done by the CDC and their recommendations. Are there other things that have been changed to fit what they want?
Below is a link to an interview with the scientist that the CDC whistleblower contacted about the cover-up. It is very interesting to see what he has to say and that the raw data from the study should have been available before this time. And that not having it available is actually a violation of the law. I think the CDC has a lot of explaining to do. And please share this with others so they are aware as it has not really been picked up by any of the major news networks as far as I am aware.