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Chiropractic Treatment – Common Conditions That Chiropractors Can Treat

A number of years ago, people claimed that nearly every disease and condition could be remedied with chiropractic treatment. While this is true to some extent because chiropractic treatment helps the whole body function better, it was sometimes taken to exaggeration and made chiropractors the odd-man-out in the medical community. They were ridiculed and viewed as quacks.

This was unfortunate because chiropractic does a lot of good. However, with such negative comments from many in the medical community (some of whom even tried to destroy chiropractic as a profession), many people refused to see the good that could be done by a chiropractor.

Thankfully, the winds are changing! More and more doctors, surgeons, physical therapists and other medical professionals are recognizing just how much good chiropractors can do.

6 Conditions That Can Be Treated with Chiropractic Adjustments

While a chiropractor is not able to cure diseases or treat every condition imaginable, the list of what they can accomplish is quite extensive. Here are just a few things that chiropractors are very successful at treating.

1. Back Sprains and Whiplash

Lifting, bending, twisting, playing—they all can result in a back sprain. The muscles and ligaments end up torn or overstretched resulting in some pretty incredible pain. A similar thing happens during a rear-end car accident—the neck is hyper-extended and sprained. A chiropractor can offer suggestions to help ease the pain.

2. Headaches

A patient dealing with TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder may deal with chronic muscle and jaw joint pain. The pain can radiate throughout their face and head, and be very debilitating. Another cause of headaches is from neck pain. When a person’s neck is out of alignment, their head will ache around the temples, at the base of the skull, behind the eyes, and, of course, the neck. With gentle adjustments, a chiropractor can realign bones within the head and neck to both ease the pain and help prevent re-occurrences.

3. Tailbone Issues

Slipping and falling on one’s tailbone is an extremely painful experience. Pain can continue for years down the road from an injury like this. A chiropractor will make sure the bone isn’t cracked or sheared with x-rays. If not, adjustments can often ease the pain experienced from this type of injury.

4. Sciatica

The sciatic nerve runs down the back, buttocks, down the leg and to the knee. At times, the nerve can become inflamed and irritated, causing shooting, electric shock-like pain. A chiropractor can adjust the lower back and release the muscles to ease the pain.

5. Leg Length Discrepancies

If one leg is longer than the other, it can put an enormous amount of strain on the lower back, hips, knees and ankles. Oftentimes, the cause is not one leg physically being longer than the other but the result of bad posture. The chiropractor can help determine the cause and help correct the problem. Some things they may do is adjust the pelvis, recommend shoe inserts, and suggest exercises to ease pain and improve posture.

6. Degenerative Disc Disease or Herniated Disc

These conditions come about because of age, overuse, or accident. Chiropractors help patients avoid further damage through adjustments, exercises, and muscle relaxation techniques.

Finding Relief with Chiropractic Treatment

Whether a person has been in a car accident, has had a fall, or just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, a chiropractor can help get them out of pain. Chiropractic treatment is a valid form of treatment for anyone experiencing neuromusculoskeletal issues. Give us a call and give it a try today!


3 Reasons Pregnant Women Should Consider Seeing A Chiropractor

pregnant woman

All pregnant women want to do what they can to protect their health along with the health of their babies. However, what many pregnant women in the Colorado Springs area don’t know is that they could be missing out by overlooking the importance of chiropractic treatment. Despite what many women are led to believe, there are actually numerous health and wellness advantages to having basic chiropractic care done during one’s pregnancy.

Reduce Stress on the Back

A lot of times, women complain of having pain in the lower back while pregnant. This is very common unfortunately and part of the reason for it is the changes that take place with posture to accommodate the new baby. What often makes the pain or discomfort worse is that during these changes in posture, the joints of the low back become ‘locked up,’ not allowing proper movement to take place. Luckily, it has been shown again and again that gentle chiropractic adjustments can help restore proper movement to these joints and thus provide some relief of the pain and discomfort. Often the pain is greatly reduced, though toward the end of the pregnancy, some pain or discomfort will remain due to the increased stress on the body. However most women under chiropractic care report much less pain and discomfort and even easier labor and delivery.

Decrease Overall Joint Swelling

Another common complaint women have when they are pregnant is that of joint swelling, which can be painful and make maneuvering very difficult as well. Fortunately, by seeing a chiropractor, pregnant women can have this swelling reduced and enjoy greater comfort. This is done in part through the use of chiropractic adjustments, which can improve circulation throughout the body, as well as with massage or other muscle work. Improved circulation helps to reduce fluid buildup that contributes to joint swelling and offers relief. Some pregnant women have also found that this type of chiropractic treatment can also help reduce leg cramping, making it a win-win.

Reduce Levels of Stress Hormones

Pregnant women often experience increased stress levels during pregnancy, despite the fact that they’re often less active than they were prior to becoming pregnant. This is because pregnancy results in the controlled release of hormones that can cause stress. Fortunately, with custom-tailored pregnancy chiropractic care from an experienced chiropractor, pregnant women can experience the stress relief they need in a session that’s quick and enjoyable. Chiropractic adjustments are safe and gentle so they can be scheduled often for recurring stress as well, making pregnancy more comfortable and enjoyable.

Overall, there are many ways in which chiropractic treatment can benefit pregnant women. With a variety of chiropractic treatments, there are plenty of options available to pregnant women that are worth exploring for a more comfortable pregnancy and a healthier environment for baby as well.

Chiropractic Care Can Offer Relief When Nothing Else Works

Unfortunately, often people will suffer for years after injuring their backs. Traditional doctors, though they can work wonders with some issues, really don’t do well dealing with back problems most of the time.

Traditional doctors’ typical first line of treatment, prescription drugs, either can’t fully eliminate the pain or they’re so strong they practically knock you out, and they can be addictive. Surgery, medicine’s other mainstay, is tricky when done on the back thanks to the fact that the spinal cord runs through the middle of the problem area. Fusing vertebrae together can stop pain that is related to back motion, but at the cost of loss of mobility in the back. Other types of back surgery are typically riskier and less likely to produce effective results. Unfortunately often surgery does not give lasting relief and really should be considered after conservative treatment has been unsuccessful.

These problems leave patients with suboptimal healing and plenty of frustration. Fortunately, there is an answer: Chiropractic care. As a chiropractor in Colorado Springs I take a different approach than the average back doctor. I don’t prescribe any drugs for patients and I don’t do surgery either. Instead, I work to adjust the vertebrae (bones of the spine) so that the patient can move without aggravating the injured area. This provides fast relief, and on top of that, it gives the injury a better chance of healing.

What if Pain is Coming from Somewhere Other than the Back?

In a large number of cases, the root problem of stubborn pain is the back – even if the pain is felt in a place that seems to have nothing to do with it. The neck involves the upper spine and is often treated by chiropractic care, but leg and foot problems can also arise when spinal nerves are irritated. Arm and hand problems, while rarer, may also occur. This happens because the body reports the pain as coming from the part that the nerves go to instead of the location where the irritation is actually happening.

Of course, not all limb problems are actually back problems. Proper diagnosis is essential for obtaining relief. Some things that point to underlying back problems are a lack of effectiveness of treatments aimed at the painful part, known back issues or co-existing back pain, altered posture, tingling in the problematic area, and a lack of known injury to distant painful parts. A good chiropractor will be sure to get the patient’s injury history as well as any existing medical reports to help be sure of where a problem actually lies.

Once it is determined that a back problem is at fault, treatment begins. For most people, relief will soon follow.

Is It Bad To Pop My Own Back Or Neck?

This is a question that I sometimes get from patients or other people when they find out I am a chiropractor. Often it goes something like this, “I know I shouldn’t but it feels so good to pop my neck (or back) and I do it all the time. Is that bad for my neck(or back)?” People seem to think it is a bad thing to be popping their back or neck all the time. Today I wanted to answer that question and give you some of the reasoning behind it.

The short answer to the question “Is it bad to pop my own back or neck?” is it depends. The reason I say that is because there are many different ways that the back or neck can pop. But first let’s talk about what that pop is.

The prevailing thought is that the popping noise you hear when ‘cracking’ or ‘popping’ your knuckles, or any other joint for that matter, is the sound of gas bubbles being released from the fluid within the joint. Much like when you open a can of soda the gas that was dissolved in the liquid is released because the change in pressure. Likewise there is gas that is dissolved in the liquid that lubricates the joints of the body. When you change the pressure within the joint by stretching or moving the joint, some of that gas is released. The gas will eventually be reabsorbed into the fluid within the joint. This process in and of itself does not cause any damage to the joint.

When It Is Okay

So if the ‘pop’ or ‘crack’ is simply gas being released and does not cause problems, why would popping your own back or neck be bad? Well as I said before it depends on how you are popping your back or neck. Often when people are doing a gentle stretch of the back or neck they will get pops and that is okay. I really wouldn’t worry about this because this movement is within the normal motion of the joint. And to be honest it may actually help correct minor misalignments or restrictions because the body is always trying to correct itself.

Now just to help you understand, regularly popping your back and neck in this way does not mean you don’t need to go to the chiropractor. What I do is much more specific and precise to help restore proper motion and function to the spine than a good general stretch . Besides, the joints of the spine that are moving well enough to allow them to pop are probably not the ones that really need to be adjusted. While those that really need to be adjusted are unlikely to release with this type of motion.

When It Is Bad

So if a general stretch is okay, when is popping your back or neck a bad thing? Sometimes individuals will use a quick jerking motion to get the neck or back to pop. This can be a bad thing. One of the reasons being that it can become a habit and they end up doing it repeatedly, often several times a day or even several times an hour. This is a problem because the repeated motion with that quick jerk or pull can stretch the ligaments surrounding the joints and, over time, lead to injury or even laxity of those joints. This can lead to some instability or excessive motion at those joints and set the stage for likely further injury.

I know that some of you out there reading this might be in this second category and think, ‘well a general stretch won’t get it to pop and that pop feels good and relieves the tension or pain for a little bit’. It is true that the pop (which is called a cavitation) does feel good and for a very short time can lead to pain relief. But my advice to you is to leave the adjusting to the expert, the chiropractor. You will be better off and will likely experience long term relief from regular chiropractic care.

Let me know what you thought of the post and share your most interesting story of who you know who likes to pop their back or neck. If there is someone that you think needs to read this pass it along. And if you would like help with your back or neck pain and are in the Colorado Springs area stop on by, I would love to help.

Do I Need To See A Chiropractor?

Chirorpactic Adjustment by hand

Well I will be completely up front, as a chiropractor in Colorado Springs, I think everyone would benefit from seeing a chiropractor! But to simply tell you that is not the purpose of this blog. I wanted to share five specific things that you can look for that are good signs that you should give the chiropractor a visit to receive chiropractic treatment. These are things that show there may be an underlying problem with your spine that is limiting what you can do and the enjoyment you get out of life.

1. Back or Neck Pain

Now this probably does not come as a surprise to most people. This is typically why people think they should go to a chiropractor. And it is true that chiropractic is great at helping to relieve back and neck pain but it can also help with so much more.

Back or neck pain can be caused by many different things, but most cases of back or neck pain are from what is termed ‘mechanical pain.’ This simply means that the pain is due to some physical stress on the spine or surrounding tissues. This can be from repeated motions, poor posture, increased stress on the spinal joints, etc. An often overlooked cause of back or neck pain is subtle misalignments of the bones of the spine because chiropractors are one of the only health professionals that are even looking for it!

2. Stiff or Limited Motion

This can be of any joint in the body, not just the spine. Chiropractors have the knowledge and skills to adjust every joint in the body. Often stiff or limited motion of the shoulders, elbows, knees, ankles, hands or feet can be improved with a chiropractic adjustment in those areas. When joints become misaligned there are muscle spasms that can go along with it which can make you feel stiff and limit motion. When you correct the misalignment the muscles often will balance again, or if not completely resolved by an adjustment, there are many soft tissue techniques that a chiropractor can use to help.

3. Shoes Wear Out Unevenly

Now you may be surprised by this! What does my shoes wearing out have anything to do with chiropractic you may ask. Well if your shoes are wearing out unevenly there is probably some imbalances in the biomechanics of the body. This can again be from misaligned or restricted motion of the pelvis, hips, knees, feet, or even other areas of the body. A chiropractor can evaluate your posture and motion and find the areas that are causing uneven stress not only on your shoes but the joints in the legs and feet. When these imbalances are corrected they not only save your shoes but your joints as well making it less likely to develop arthritis in those joints.

4. Headaches

There are many different causes of headaches, but something interesting is that not all headaches originate in the head itself. Research has shown that there is an area of the brainstem that extends down into the spinal cord of the upper neck where pain receptors from the head and upper neck connect with other nerves. Sometimes a pain receptor from one area (say the neck) can be interpreted as coming from somewhere else (say the head). This referred pain can be a cause of headache and the source is not even within the head. I actually see this a lot in my chiropractic practice. Headaches, even migraines respond well to chiropractic adjustments as well as working on relaxing and balancing the muscles in the neck.

5. Poor Sleep

What causes poor sleep? There can be many causes – pain so you can’t get comfortable, stimulants are keeping you awake, or stress doesn’t allow you to adequately relax to name a few. But one thing to think about is if you have difficulty sleeping and you take a sleeping pill: does that do anything to address the underlying problem? Poor sleep actually can be helped through chiropractic treatment. I learned this more so from experience than anything else when patients would just mention it as extra benefit of their care. While for some of them it may be from the pain relief allowing them to be more comfortable to sleep, that is not the cause in every case. Besides just the pain relief, chiropractic also helps the body to relax. I have patients every day tell me that they feel more relaxed after the chiropractic adjustment and many make a comment like “I am ready for a nap.” This is because when the spine is misaligned or not moving properly it puts extra stress on the nerves and shifts the body towards the ‘fight or flight’ mode. After an adjustment the body is shifted away from the ‘fight or flight’ response more towards rest, relaxation, and repair.

I hope you found this post to be useful and informative. I love to hear your stories of how chiropractic has helped you. So if you have a chiropractic story that relates to one of these five things or even something else, please share below in the comments. Also if you know someone that could benefit from this information please pass it along!

Patients Can Reach Their Physical Recovery Goals With Natural Chiropractic Approaches To Healing

Physical recovery

Patients who want to find the best path toward recovery from an injury or a debilitating physical condition might find satisfaction through chiropractic treatment in Colorado Springs. Through the combination of education and skills, along with a more holistic approach than traditional medical treatments, patients might find that chiropractic care is what they have needed all along. People who have sustained injuries or illnesses that have lingered and caused secondary problems can feel a sense of hope that they can avoid starting, or continuing, medications or resorting to invasive surgery.

Whether the patient suffers from back pain, neck pain or some type of nerve problem throughout the body, a chiropractic professional can help them work toward recovery, living a happy, healthy and active life. Since the body really works together as a system, it makes sense that you need to look at the entire body when something is wrong. This is a foundation of chiropractic practice. Everything in the human body, from the toes to the top of the head, takes its cues from the nervous system. The nerves transport messages from the brain to a specific spot in the body and then returns response signals back to the brain. While a beautifully complex system, yet it is not difficult to create a clear image of it for patients.

The problem comes when the messages get crossed or garbled. That’s where a professional and highly qualified chiropractic practitioner comes into the picture. A chiropractor can help clear the neural pathways to let the signals make it to their destination, which allows the appropriate messages to flow and the body begins to heal. While chiropractic treatments do not conclusively heal injuries, they help each patient open up the possibility of healing.

Chiropractors offer a wide range of services and treatments for patients. Some of the conditions and injuries that chiropractors treat include back, neck, shoulder, knee, arm, ankle and wrist pain associated with a specific injury or wear and tear from overuse or aging. Other things that a chiropractic practitioner can treat include sciatica, headaches, carpel tunnel, scoliosis, whiplash, sports or work injuries, stress, boosting the immune system, constipation, allergies, pregnancy, colicky babies, children’s growing pains, sleep problems, and much more.

Regardless of the condition or injury, chiropractic patients often feel good about their care, knowing it is a natural way to approach their physical ailment. Patients also feel good because they are a part of the healing process by doing their own exercises and trying to reduce stress and other contributing factors to their situation.

One Common Bad Habit That You Didn’t Even Know Affects Your Spine

Smoking back pain

These days everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health. It is linked with numerous health problems such as cancer-not just of the lungs, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and even sexual dysfunction. In fact, smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States. It is estimated that smoking cigarettes is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the US. But what you probably didn’t know is that smoking can also affect your spine and be a contributing factor in spinal degeneration and back pain.

Did you know that smoking is a risk factor for low back pain? The main culprit in the cigarettes, when it comes to negative effects on the spine, is the nicotine. A study was done on rabbits that had two groups receiving a nicotine solution or saline solution for 8 weeks. At the end of the 8 weeks all the rabbits that received the nicotine had degenerative changes of the spinal discs. The center part of the disc is supposed to be gel-like, but in the treatment group there was death of the tissue and it began to harden. Also the fibrous part around the outside of the disc had a change in its pattern with layers not overlapping properly. There were also fewer blood vessels going near the spinal discs and they were narrower and had thicker walls – all contributing to the problem.

So what does this all have to do with you? Well if you have back pain and are a smoker there is a real likelihood that smoking is contributing to that pain. And if you are a smoker but don’t currently have back pain, if you continue to smoke it is very likely going to lead to back pain and disability from spinal degeneration. While stopping smoking can be very difficult it is possible and the benefits for your health and well-being are enormous.

If you do have back pain for whatever reason, chiropractic can help to offer you relief! If you found this article interesting or helpful please leave a comment below. And if you know someone that could benefit from this information pass it on.

References Accessed June 23rd, 2015

Iwahashi M, Matsuzaki H, Tokuhashi Y, Wakabayashi K, Uematsu Y. Mechanism of intervertebral disc degeneration caused by nicotine in rabbits to explicate intervertebral disc disorders caused by smoking. Spine 2002 Jul 1;27(13):1396-401.

Considering Back Surgery? Read This First!

Back Surgery

Low back pain is the leading cause of disability in the world! It affects millions of people and the majority of us will experience back pain at some point in our life. When that back pain is severe, we want to do anything that we can to get rid of it and sometimes that includes surgery. However, while surgery can give relief to some, there unfortunately are many that continue to have pain even after surgery. There is even a specific name for it: “failed back surgery syndrome.” So how do you know when you should consider back surgery? As a chiropractor is Colorado Springs, I will give you my opinion on the answer to that question.

When Should I Consider Back Surgery?

My short answer to that question is when you have exhausted every other option. You see, back surgery isn’t something that you can just undo if you have second thoughts. Once you have surgery there are consequences – sometimes good, sometimes bad – and either way you are stuck with them. Now to be perfectly honest, I do think there are times when surgery is the best option but I believe that scenario is much less frequent than it is actually performed. And I am not the only one that thinks that.

In a Mayo Clinic article entitled “Back surgery: When is it a good idea?” it states “Back surgery can help relieve some causes of back pain, but it’s rarely necessary.” In a USA Today article in looking at a specific surgery in Medicare patients they found:

About 10% of all spinal fusions paid for by Medicare in 2011 were not necessary, either because there was no medical basis for them or because doctors did not follow standards of care by exploring non-surgical treatments

The truth is that many studies looking at long term benefits of surgery vs. conservative care show no significant difference in long term outcomes. While there are sometimes short-term benefits in certain patients often one to two years down the road there is no significant difference. So ultimately you need to decide if surgery is worth it?

What Conservative Treatments Should Be Considered First?

Now the good news with most cases of back pain is that they will resolve themselves within a few months even without any treatment. But there are several conservative treatments that should be tried before considering surgery. The most common conservative treatments in the medical approach include pain medication, exercise, physical therapy and injections. These can be beneficial. Another option is chiropractic care. As a chiropractor I have seen excellent results with chiropractic care. By realigning the bones of the spine and working with trigger points to relieve muscle tension, I have been able to relieve back pain in many of my patients. Another option that I sometimes use is spinal decompression. Spinal decompression is non-surgical and is available especially for bulging discs or other disc injuries. This is typically done on a spinal decompression table that puts traction on the spine, helping to take pressure off the spinal disc and allowing nutrients back into the disc so it can heal.

Whatever you choose, please give conservative treatments a try before considering surgery. If you know someone that is considering back surgery please pass this information along. And if you would like to know more about how chiropractic can help your back pain please give our office a call.

References accessed June 18th, 2015 accessed June 18th, 2015 accessed June 18th, 2015

Best Yoga Poses To Alleviate Lingering And Debilitating Back Pain


Suffering from back pain is no fun, and it can be difficult to imagine that doing exercise could make the pain any better. However, the following yoga poses can help to stretch the back while promoting proper posture and building strength. Depending on the cause of the back pain, yoga can be a great way to help. In addition to yoga, anyone suffering from back pain is encouraged to contact a chiropractor in Colorado Springs. At Life Symmetry Chiropractic, we believe in working with each of our patients to restore their quality of life. When a person needs chiropractic treatment in Colorado Springs, let our friendly and professional staff help.

Here are a few basic yoga poses that can help to stretch tight muscles in the low back and hips that can be a major cause of back pain. As with any stretching, take it easy and don’t over do it, and if it is more painful than just a good stretch, you are probably better off not doing it and getting further evaluation. If you need some help with what the poses look like you can easily find pictures of the poses online.

Downward-Facing Dog

Perhaps the most recognizable yoga pose, downward-facing dog is great for stretching the back. The pose helps to elongate the back extensors that help support the spine, maintain good posture and operate without pain. To perform the pose correctly, start in table pose on the hands and knees and raise the knees away from the floor. Lift the tailbone as high as possible and focus on moving the feet as close to the floor as possible. Because it is important to have a straight back, bend the knees if necessary to lift the tailbone higher.

Child’s Pose

To a person that does not practice yoga, child’s pose may appear to be devoid of any activity; however, it is far from a restful position. Because the back is elongated against the top of the thighs with the arms stretched over the head, this is a great position for alleviating lower back pain. Start in table position before sitting against the backs of the legs while moving the arms forward. Ultimately, a person’s chest should rest on the top of their thighs while the hands point towards the top of the mat.

Pigeon Pose

Although challenging for a newbie to yoga, the pigeon pose helps to loosen tight hip muscles that can contribute to pain in the lower back. Start the pose in downward-facing dog then bring one leg towards the chest and bend it so that it is pointing to the side and lower the hips towards the floor. Although the goal is to make the foot of the bent leg perpendicular with the side of the mat, it may not be possible. To give the hips more support, use a block under the hip of the bent leg.

I hope you have found these yoga poses helpful. Back pain is not something you should have to live with. If you need further help with your back pain, please contact us.

Back To School Backpack Safety Tips

It’s back to school time again!  It can be a fun and exciting time.  New teachers, new classes, new books, maybe even a new school.  It can also be a stressful time too.  But the backpack does not need to be one of those stresses.  Unfortunately backpacks seem to be getting bigger and heavier each year.  Here are some back to school backpack safety tips to help keep your children safe this year.

What Makes a Good Backpack?

First off, what should you look for in a backpack?  The most important thing is that a backpack fits well.  Backpacks that are too big and hang below the waist can actually stress the low back and interfere with normal walking patterns.  A good backpack should have wide padded shoulder straps to help spread the load on the shoulders as much as possible.  You also want to look for adequate padding along the back, especially along the bottom where the edges of books might dig into the back.  And if it has a waist strap to help stabilize the load, that is a good option.  One other thing to consider is the number of compartments in the backpack.  Having several compartments can be a good way to distribute the load more evenly.

How Much Should a Backpack Weigh?

Probably the most important thing in backpack safety is how much weight is carried in the backpack.  Too much weight will change posture and interfere with balance.  This can lead to injuries.  Studies have shown that carrying 15-20% of your weight in a backpack changes posture and can be associated with pain.  Loads of 25% of body weight can have a significant impact on balance while loads of 15% body weight can be tolerated moderately well.  Ideally no more than 10-15% of body weight should be carried in a backpack.  The less weight the better.  If your child has to lean forward to accommodate the backpack it is too heavy.  To give you an idea of how heavy 15% of the body weight is – a child who weighs 80 lbs. should carry no more than 12 lbs. in their backpack.

Backpack Safety Tips on Wearing a Backpack Properly

So now that you have a great backpack and have not overfilled it, how should you wear it?  Well when putting on a backpack it should be lifted properly using the legs instead of the back.  It is best to not swing or quickly sling the backpack on the back as this can pull you off balance and may lead to injury.  The backpack should be worn with both shoulder straps.  Only wearing one shoulder strap puts a lot of unbalanced stress on the spine.  The shoulder straps should be snug but not too tight and the backpack should not hang down below the waist.  The heaviest items should be positioned as close to the back as possible.  If there is a waist strap that should be fastened to help prevent swinging of the backpack.


Back to school time can be great.   But an overly heavy or improperly worn backpack can lead to pain and long term changes in posture.  Be safe this school year and follow these backpack safety tips!  And if your children are experiencing pain bring them in.  I focus on helping families improve the health, vitality, and well-being of their children – providing a strong foundation for their future health.

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