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chiropractic adjustment

Chiropractic Treatment – Common Conditions That Chiropractors Can Treat

A number of years ago, people claimed that nearly every disease and condition could be remedied with chiropractic treatment. While this is true to some extent because chiropractic treatment helps the whole body function better, it was sometimes taken to exaggeration and made chiropractors the odd-man-out in the medical community. They were ridiculed and viewed as quacks.

This was unfortunate because chiropractic does a lot of good. However, with such negative comments from many in the medical community (some of whom even tried to destroy chiropractic as a profession), many people refused to see the good that could be done by a chiropractor.

Thankfully, the winds are changing! More and more doctors, surgeons, physical therapists and other medical professionals are recognizing just how much good chiropractors can do.

6 Conditions That Can Be Treated with Chiropractic Adjustments

While a chiropractor is not able to cure diseases or treat every condition imaginable, the list of what they can accomplish is quite extensive. Here are just a few things that chiropractors are very successful at treating.

1. Back Sprains and Whiplash

Lifting, bending, twisting, playing—they all can result in a back sprain. The muscles and ligaments end up torn or overstretched resulting in some pretty incredible pain. A similar thing happens during a rear-end car accident—the neck is hyper-extended and sprained. A chiropractor can offer suggestions to help ease the pain.

2. Headaches

A patient dealing with TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder may deal with chronic muscle and jaw joint pain. The pain can radiate throughout their face and head, and be very debilitating. Another cause of headaches is from neck pain. When a person’s neck is out of alignment, their head will ache around the temples, at the base of the skull, behind the eyes, and, of course, the neck. With gentle adjustments, a chiropractor can realign bones within the head and neck to both ease the pain and help prevent re-occurrences.

3. Tailbone Issues

Slipping and falling on one’s tailbone is an extremely painful experience. Pain can continue for years down the road from an injury like this. A chiropractor will make sure the bone isn’t cracked or sheared with x-rays. If not, adjustments can often ease the pain experienced from this type of injury.

4. Sciatica

The sciatic nerve runs down the back, buttocks, down the leg and to the knee. At times, the nerve can become inflamed and irritated, causing shooting, electric shock-like pain. A chiropractor can adjust the lower back and release the muscles to ease the pain.

5. Leg Length Discrepancies

If one leg is longer than the other, it can put an enormous amount of strain on the lower back, hips, knees and ankles. Oftentimes, the cause is not one leg physically being longer than the other but the result of bad posture. The chiropractor can help determine the cause and help correct the problem. Some things they may do is adjust the pelvis, recommend shoe inserts, and suggest exercises to ease pain and improve posture.

6. Degenerative Disc Disease or Herniated Disc

These conditions come about because of age, overuse, or accident. Chiropractors help patients avoid further damage through adjustments, exercises, and muscle relaxation techniques.

Finding Relief with Chiropractic Treatment

Whether a person has been in a car accident, has had a fall, or just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, a chiropractor can help get them out of pain. Chiropractic treatment is a valid form of treatment for anyone experiencing neuromusculoskeletal issues. Give us a call and give it a try today!


5 Little-Known Health Benefits Of Using A Chiropractor In Colorado Springs

Healthy couple

Spinal manipulation for therapeutic purposes has been around for more than 2,000 years. At this point, the benefits of excellent chiropractic care have been explored by millions of people worldwide.

Individuals who use the services of a good chiropractor in Colorado Springs often end up witnessing major improvements in several aspects of their daily lives that go well beyond their initial pain management objectives. Here are five of the lesser-known benefits associated with chiropractic services that many patients experience.

1. A Stronger Immune System

Those who visit their chiropractors often report a higher level of wellness that can be correlated with a stronger immune system. They are more able to fight off a wide range of illnesses and find it easier to stay in good shape. This improvement can be linked to an increased functionality of the central nervous system, triggered and maintained through quality chiropractic care.

2. Increased Mobility

Natural long-lasting pain relief goes hand in hand with increased mobility. As people age, they become less flexible and are forced to deal with a series of age-specific concerns, such as a reduced range of motion. Chiropractic care addresses this issue by alleviating pain and allowing patients to regain their flexibility. In order to maintain these benefits, people should also start exercising on a regular basis; nonetheless, the care provided by a good chiropractor gets them started and enables them to stay on the right path toward a healthier, more flexible body at any age.

3. Improved Digestion

When the central nervous system functions well, the digestive system also works normally. When one’s spine is perfectly aligned and all the messages sent to the brain are being transported and interpreted in an ideal manner, digestion takes place rapidly and efficiently. This is precisely why chiropractic care is seen as a wonderful solution to well-being and health-related problems by people who suffer from chronic constipation or obesity. Regular chiropractic sessions are reported to also promote a healthy weight loss, allowing people to sculpt their bodies without any pain, stress, or surgery.

4. Healthier Lifestyle Choices

Good chiropractic care also motivates people to stay active and pay attention to a series of important aspects that they may have been neglecting for a long period of time, such as correct breathing techniques, meditation, or ideal posture. Improving any of those small things has a big impact on health.

5. Drug-Free, Longer-Lasting Pain Relief

These days, more and more people choose to open their medicine cabinets every single time they have to deal with pains and aches. Prescription drugs can make their lives a whole lot easier but without actually tackling the real root of the problem. Unlike medication that only manages to address a series of symptoms, chiropractic care is focused on total healing. Through gentle movements and the expert guidance provided by a skilled chiropractor, people can benefit from a longer-lasting pain relief fueled by a perfect balance between mind, body and soul.

Looking For Knee Pain Relief?

Knee pain knee arthritis

There are many causes of knee pain. To be up front, I will admit that I do not have the answer for all causes of knee pain, but I do have a safe and effective solution for some of the most common causes of knee pain.

There are over 700,000 total knee replacement surgeries performed each year in the US. The major reason for knee replacement surgery is due to osteoarthritis – or the ‘wear and tear’ arthritis. Osteoarthritis of the knee is basically caused when there is too much stress put on the joint and it begins to break down. This can be from just increased or repetitive stress to the joint or even normal stresses that are applied unevenly to the joint, putting stress in areas where it is not supposed to be.

As mentioned before there can be many causes of knee pain but a very common cause of knee pain is arthritis. Arthritis can lead to pain and disability and if it continues to progress will lead to a partial or total knee replacement.

Some of the most common medical treatments include pain medication or corticosteroid shots. But unfortunately both these treatments are used to decrease the pain without addressing the underlying cause of the arthritis – the stress on the knee joint!

How Chiropractic Can Help

As a chiropractor in Colorado Springs I see knee pain quite frequently. In those with knee pain, I often see imbalances in the muscles surrounding the knee as well as misalignments of the bones making up the knee joint. This is important because muscle imbalances and misalignments of the joint both lead to extra stress being put where it is not meant to be. This extra stress can increase the likelihood of developing osteoarthritis.

The chiropractic treatment for these muscle imbalances and misalignments is to adjust the knee and work on the muscles to restore proper balance. I have seen great success in helping patients alleviate knee pain. While current thought is that you cannot stop or slow the progress of osteoarthritis, this way of thinking does not make sense to me. There are many factors that effect arthritis for the reasons mentioned above, and I believe patients are less likely to either get osteoarthritis or have it progress because we address some of the underlying causes of imbalance and misalignment.

If you thought this was interesting or have a question, feel free to leave a comment below. If you know someone that could benefit from this information please share it. Thanks!

Reference accessed May 20, 2015

6 Reasons You Should Visit The Chiropractor

Here at Life Symmetry Chiropractic, we understand the importance of visiting a chiropractor on a regular basis. Here’s a quick look at the top six reasons you should be visiting one, too.

1. Most adjustments do not hurt

When going to a chiropractor, the goal is to relieve you of pain, not make you endure it. Many new patients experience apprehension when it comes to neck adjustments, but the adjustments are usually far more gentle than they expect. Involving quick direct thrusts to certain spinal bones, this type of chiropractic care can greatly reduce pain in your entire body.

2. Once you go, you will always want to go back

Once you reap the benefits of visiting a chiropractor, you’ll definitely want to go back. Generally, when you come into the office with pain, you’ll go through an initial session followed by multiple follow-up appointments to ensure you are getting the correct treatment. A qualified chiropractor in Colorado Springs can diagnose any problems and provide the best kind of treatment to help you feel better and keep you feeling better.

3. Chiropractic care boosts your immune system

Studies performed on patients who have had adjustments show that they reduce the production of proinflammatory mediators associated with pain and tissue damage. Studies also show that adjustments have enhanced the production of immunoregulatory complexes, which are vital for healthy immune systems.

4. Chiropractic is here for all ages

Many seniors are unaware of the many benefits they can gain from chiropractic care. From pain relief to increasing one’s range of motion and even decreasing joint deterioration, chiropractic care provides multiple health benefits. It can also improve your balance and coordination. Infants benefit from chiropractic care to ensure their movements after birth are not causing any misalignments of the upper vertebrae.

5. Doctors do not do the healing

This may be disappointing, but chiropractors will not be able to “fix” your back. What they can do, however, is restore the proper motion of the joints and relieve tension in your muscles and nerves; this allows the body to begin the healing process and heal itself.

6. Pain medication isn’t always the answer

A person’s back is often in poor condition for many months or years before it shows a problem. And many people go for years taking medications to get rid of back pain, when in all actuality, a quick visit to the chiropractor could remedy the pain. If you take medications and your pain goes away, this doesn’t mean that the problem doesn’t still persist. With chiropractic care and other types of therapies, you may find that you don’t have to be on medications to handle pain.

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