Is Your Health “Bought” By Big Corporations?

Whether you know it or not your ‘health’ (or lack thereof) is bought by big corporations! The pharmaceutical industry spends billions of dollars a year to market their drugs to not only the public but to doctors as well. There have been numerous instances when these pharmaceutical companies have had to pay billions of dollars in fines for inappropriately advertising or even falsifying information to get drugs approved. But when you make tens of billions of dollars on drug sales, paying billion dollar fines could be looked at as just a cost of doing business.
While there are many, many medical doctors that are caring and want to do what is best for their patients often they do not have accurate information to make informed decisions in patient care. Drug companies often are the ones responsible for the information those doctors see, even in scientific journals. And that information is often biased towards a certain drug. Unfortunately the regulatory agencies that are supposed to be keeping us safe are not doing their jobs. There are conflicts of interest and a virtual ‘revolving door’ between government agencies and the industry they are supposed to regulate.
This same situation goes beyond just the medical and pharmaceutical industries as well. It also affects our food industry as well. The companies that stand to gain financially are supplying the majority of information about safety and effectiveness of their products with little outside oversight. Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are an excellent example. The same companies that produce GMOs produce the pesticides that the GMOs are supposed to be resistant to and provide the safety testing for these same products.
If these things are surprising to you, you need to educate yourself about what is going on that you likely are not aware of. If you were already aware of some of these things, there is always more to learn. Knowledge really is power. You have to take control of your own health. A great opportunity to help educate yourself about what goes on with these big corporations and the corruption that unfortunately goes with them is to watch the documentary “Bought”. Right now it is available to be viewed for free through March 6th. I had the opportunity to watch it this past weekend and thought it was very well done. There is no question that as a whole our country is getting more and more sick, but no real answers as to why. I think this documentary gives some answers as to the why, and that is because ultimately profit is put above our health. Please take the opportunity to watch this documentary and get informed and take control of your health!
Watch the “Bought” documentary by clicking here.