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Signs And Treatments For Whiplash

Whiplash refers to a painful injury of the tendons and ligaments of the neck. It is often due to a sudden jolting of that part of the body. It accounts for over three-fourths of injury claims following auto accidents. The following are some signs of whiplash, along with treatments that can help with pain reduction and recovery.

Pain In Just About Every Direction – But Sometimes Not at First

A whiplash injury causes pain when the neck is moved in just about any direction – front, backward and side to side or any combination thereof. However, the pain of whiplash may not be immediately felt right following the accident. Sometimes it can take a day or two for this type of pain to manifest, or occasionally even longer. The pain may come on gradually or suddenly and then get worse as time passes.

Whiplash Symptoms

Other symptoms of a case of whiplash include neck stiffness, tenderness, pain, constricted movement and minor to severe headaches. Interestingly, women seem to be more likely than men to experience whiplash after an accident. While traffic accidents are the main cause, other possibilities like a hit to the head, slipping and falling, or trauma experienced while playing a sport can also result in whiplash. Any movement that causes a sudden jolt can potentially cause a case of whiplash.

A list of many whiplash symptoms is as follows:

  • Neck pain
  • Neck stiffness
  • Upper back/shoulder pain or stiffness
  • Numbness/pain in arms or hands
  • Headaches
  • Lower back pain
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Dizziness
  • Blurry vision
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Memory loss
  • Irritability
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Sleep disturbances/insomnia

Whiplash Injuries

Whiplash consists of injuries to the soft tissues like neck muscles and ligaments as well as the disks in the spine. These injuries cannot be seen with a standard X-ray and are most often diagnosed by considering the signs, symptoms and circumstances that led to the injury. Tests like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and CT scans can assist with diagnosis, but are not typically used unless a more serious spinal injury is a possibility.

Treating Whiplash

Using ice packs on the neck followed by a heating pad or warm bath can assist in reducing swelling and pain, and a pain reliever (over the counter, prescription or even a natural or herbal remedy) can reduce discomfort. A multifaceted approach utilizing massage, physical therapy and chiropractic treatment in Colorado Springs offers the best healing and can also help profoundly in reducing discomfort. Recovery time will depend upon the severity of the case of whiplash.

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