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Common Causes Of Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain

Many doctors and chiropractors will likely agree that shoulder pain is a common complaint among patients. I know I see it frequently in my practice. Whether due to a mysteriously emerging chronic pain, an acute injury, an overuse injury, disease, or something else entirely, shoulder pain can wreak havoc for sufferers. Finding the cause, then working toward a treatment–other than over-the-counter pain medications–is usually the primary goal of patients who complain about this type of pain.

As a chiropractor in Colorado Springs I want to help patients pinpoint the cause of their pain and get them on the path toward recovery as quickly and naturally as possible. When a patient visits a chiropractic professional, they will need to discuss all the symptoms, as well as how long they have experienced those symptoms. They will also need to discuss their daily activities, as well as any sports or recreational activities in which they participate, along with their job and what it entails. Medical professionals can often glean a great deal about what might cause their pain from one or more of these pieces of information.

What Are Some Common Causes for Shoulder Pain?

It usually helps patients most to understand the root and cause of their pain, so they can make sense of it and start thinking about possible solutions. Following are some of the most common causes for shoulder pain:

  • Bursitis or Rotator Cuff Tendonitis. By far, the most common diagnosis for patients includes the rotator cuff, and they usually suffer from bursitis or tendonitis, which simply means that they suffer from inflammation in that area. Also known as impingement syndrome, these types of inflammation usually start with an initial injury which causes the bursa and tendons swell and expand, creating pain and discomfort. Patients usually find relief through physical therapy, chiropractic adjustments and rest. Surgery is rarely necessary to treat this condition.
  • Rotator Cuff Tears. This cause for shoulder pain sometimes, though not always, can lead to surgery. Rotator cuff tears can come from an impact, or sudden injury. Sports activities that use the shoulder heavily like swimming might also cause patients to experience this cause of shoulder pain. Common conservative treatments including physical therapy and chiropractic care should be tried before considering surgery.
  • Dislocation. Also often sports-related, shoulder dislocation can cause the sufferer great pain since the top of the arm bone becomes disconnected from the shoulder blade bone. Once the doctor makes the diagnosis, they can put the shoulder back in proper position to help alleviate the immediate pain. The physician will know best whether the patient should undergo surgery for a permanent correction to the problem. Either way, the patient will need rehabilitation to help heal over time.

I hope you found this information useful. If you did please leave a comment below how it was useful. Also if you know someone else that could benefit from this information pass it along!

Looking For Knee Pain Relief?

Knee pain knee arthritis

There are many causes of knee pain. To be up front, I will admit that I do not have the answer for all causes of knee pain, but I do have a safe and effective solution for some of the most common causes of knee pain.

There are over 700,000 total knee replacement surgeries performed each year in the US. The major reason for knee replacement surgery is due to osteoarthritis – or the ‘wear and tear’ arthritis. Osteoarthritis of the knee is basically caused when there is too much stress put on the joint and it begins to break down. This can be from just increased or repetitive stress to the joint or even normal stresses that are applied unevenly to the joint, putting stress in areas where it is not supposed to be.

As mentioned before there can be many causes of knee pain but a very common cause of knee pain is arthritis. Arthritis can lead to pain and disability and if it continues to progress will lead to a partial or total knee replacement.

Some of the most common medical treatments include pain medication or corticosteroid shots. But unfortunately both these treatments are used to decrease the pain without addressing the underlying cause of the arthritis – the stress on the knee joint!

How Chiropractic Can Help

As a chiropractor in Colorado Springs I see knee pain quite frequently. In those with knee pain, I often see imbalances in the muscles surrounding the knee as well as misalignments of the bones making up the knee joint. This is important because muscle imbalances and misalignments of the joint both lead to extra stress being put where it is not meant to be. This extra stress can increase the likelihood of developing osteoarthritis.

The chiropractic treatment for these muscle imbalances and misalignments is to adjust the knee and work on the muscles to restore proper balance. I have seen great success in helping patients alleviate knee pain. While current thought is that you cannot stop or slow the progress of osteoarthritis, this way of thinking does not make sense to me. There are many factors that effect arthritis for the reasons mentioned above, and I believe patients are less likely to either get osteoarthritis or have it progress because we address some of the underlying causes of imbalance and misalignment.

If you thought this was interesting or have a question, feel free to leave a comment below. If you know someone that could benefit from this information please share it. Thanks!

Reference accessed May 20, 2015

The Difference Between Chiropractic And Physical Therapy

I recently had a patient ask me about what the difference is between chiropractic and physical therapy. I can understand the confusion because there is definitely overlap between what a chiropractor and a physical therapist do. Both chiropractors and physical therapists use their hands to move joints through motions to help restore proper motion and function to those joints and also use other tools like muscle stimulation, ice/heat, etc. So from the outside it can look like there are a lot of similarities between chiropractic and physical therapy. In fact, I use a lot of myofascial release techniques and teach exercises to strengthen muscles to support better posture and movement that are considered physiotherapy (basically physical therapy but because I am not a physical therapist it is not called physical therapy). So yes, there are a lot of similarities. But if I had to enumerate the differences, I think it comes down to two major things: 1. Focus/purpose/philosophy 2. Chiropractic Adjustment. And really these two things are related.

Now before we get into those differences, I want to say that neither chiropractic nor physical therapy is better or worse than the other. They are different, but there are wonderful results you can get with both depending on what you need. That is why I think it is important to understand the differences. If you didn’t have success with one, don’t think that the other won’t help you because that just isn’t true. It is the same with different chiropractors or physical therapists as well. We all do not practice the same way and just because going to one chiropractor may not have helped you doesn’t mean that another chiropractor with a different approach couldn’t help you either.

Focus, Purpose, Philosophy

Now I lumped all these together because they really all go hand in hand. The philosophy is the basis of your purpose as a practitioner and leads you to focus on certain things. Now again, I am not a physical therapist and my view of their philosophy, purpose, and focus is coming from a view outside the profession. Like chiropractic I imagine there is a wide variety of views on philosophy, purpose, and focus within the physical therapy profession. My view is gathered from knowing some physical therapists and also from looking at what their national organization (American Physical Therapy Association) has to say about physical therapy on their website for the public about physical therapy-

Physical therapists are experts in improving mobility and motion, and pain-free movement is crucial to your quality of daily life, your ability to earn a living, your ability to pursue your favorite leisure activities, and so much more.

What they have to say about the importance of movement to your quality of life I would agree with wholeheartedly. I think that is what their purpose and focus is: improving mobility and motion. As far as philosophy goes physical therapists fit in more with the typical medical model. In fact, many patients are referred from their doctor for a ‘prescription of physical therapy’. While physical therapists focus more on function than a typical doctor, it still is very much about treating a symptom – restricted or painful motion.

Now what about chiropractic? Well I would like to start with the philosophy of chiropractic. The basis of chiropractic is that our bodies are designed to heal and be healthy. This is the body’s natural state; a state of health. But there are many things that can interfere with this natural state of health, one of the biggest being a spinal subluxation. In chiropractic terms, a subluxation is improper movement or alignment of the bones of the spine that results in irritation to the nerves affecting the way the nerves function. I mention this because as a chiropractor in Colorado Springs this is really my purpose and focus: to find and help correct spinal subluxations. This allows the body to do what it is designed to do and heal itself.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am happy to relieve pain and improve motion and that is part of what I do. However, my focus and purpose is to help the body remove subluxations so that the body can heal and function better. I don’t know if the difference is easily seen from the outside, but I think it makes all the difference in the world.

Chiropractic Adjustment

Which also brings us to the second difference, the chiropractic adjustment. Now again this may seem to be a small thing, but there are differences. Without getting too technical physical therapists often use mobilizations of joints including spinal manipulation. Spinal manipulation or chiropractic manipulative therapy are terms that may be used to refer to the chiropractic adjustment. I personally think there is a difference between an adjustment and a manipulation. I know there are others that may disagree, but I think the intent you have in doing an adjustment makes a difference. To put it in a different way anyone can manipulate a joint or the spine, but a chiropractic adjustment should be more than that. Again this is not meant to say that physical therapists are not highly trained individuals that are excellent at what they do, but their focus and purpose is not the same as a chiropractor and are not giving chiropractic adjustments.

Now to be completely honest I know there are chiropractors out there that do not give chiropractic adjustments. There are some chiropractors that will basically do the exact same thing on every patient. It goes something like this: a couple of manipulations to the mid-back, have the patient turn on their side and manipulate the low back/pelvis, then on the other side to do the low back/pelvis again, then the patient is on their back and they manipulate the neck from one side and then the other. This is not giving a chiropractic adjustment! While I know these chiropractors do help people to feel better and move better, they are not practicing chiropractic.

A chiropractic adjustment needs to be specific or it is not chiropractic. This is a paraphrase of what B.J. Palmer has said. B.J. Palmer developed and expanded chiropractic in the early years of the profession. B.J.’s father D.D. Palmer is the founder of modern chiropractic.

Being specific and focused on helping the body to remove subluxations is required for a chiropractic adjustment. Everything else is just a spinal manipulation. This is why I personally take my time to thoroughly evaluate each patient on each visit and adjust just the area that is found to have subluxation. This makes all the difference in the world.


In closing I want to reiterate that I have the utmost respect for physical therapists, and many do an excellent job in helping restore proper motion to the body, and helping to rehabilitate injuries. And while chiropractic will help with those things too, there is a difference between chiropractic and physical therapy. These differences center on the purpose and focus of what each is doing. I hope this post has helped explain that difference at least from my point of view. If you found this information helpful leave a comment below and share it with a friend!

Reference accessed April 29th 2015

6 Reasons You Should Visit The Chiropractor

Here at Life Symmetry Chiropractic, we understand the importance of visiting a chiropractor on a regular basis. Here’s a quick look at the top six reasons you should be visiting one, too.

1. Most adjustments do not hurt

When going to a chiropractor, the goal is to relieve you of pain, not make you endure it. Many new patients experience apprehension when it comes to neck adjustments, but the adjustments are usually far more gentle than they expect. Involving quick direct thrusts to certain spinal bones, this type of chiropractic care can greatly reduce pain in your entire body.

2. Once you go, you will always want to go back

Once you reap the benefits of visiting a chiropractor, you’ll definitely want to go back. Generally, when you come into the office with pain, you’ll go through an initial session followed by multiple follow-up appointments to ensure you are getting the correct treatment. A qualified chiropractor in Colorado Springs can diagnose any problems and provide the best kind of treatment to help you feel better and keep you feeling better.

3. Chiropractic care boosts your immune system

Studies performed on patients who have had adjustments show that they reduce the production of proinflammatory mediators associated with pain and tissue damage. Studies also show that adjustments have enhanced the production of immunoregulatory complexes, which are vital for healthy immune systems.

4. Chiropractic is here for all ages

Many seniors are unaware of the many benefits they can gain from chiropractic care. From pain relief to increasing one’s range of motion and even decreasing joint deterioration, chiropractic care provides multiple health benefits. It can also improve your balance and coordination. Infants benefit from chiropractic care to ensure their movements after birth are not causing any misalignments of the upper vertebrae.

5. Doctors do not do the healing

This may be disappointing, but chiropractors will not be able to “fix” your back. What they can do, however, is restore the proper motion of the joints and relieve tension in your muscles and nerves; this allows the body to begin the healing process and heal itself.

6. Pain medication isn’t always the answer

A person’s back is often in poor condition for many months or years before it shows a problem. And many people go for years taking medications to get rid of back pain, when in all actuality, a quick visit to the chiropractor could remedy the pain. If you take medications and your pain goes away, this doesn’t mean that the problem doesn’t still persist. With chiropractic care and other types of therapies, you may find that you don’t have to be on medications to handle pain.

Intelligence Inside


Recently I have been thinking about how best to explain chiropractic. As a chiropractor is Colorado Springs I have seen many amazing results in patients. I have had patients with indigestion, numbness/tingling, depression/anxiety, and of course lots of different kinds of pain all get better under chiropractic care. While most people think about back and neck pain as being the primary reason to go to a chiropractor, really that is just one of the many, many things that chiropractic can help with. And this is why I have been thinking of how best to explain what chiropractic can do because most people just don’t ‘get it’. So in today’s post I hope to explain a little more about how awesome chiropractic really is, but to do that I need to talk a little about something called innate intelligence.

Innate Intelligence

To start off let me ask a few questions: Did you need to think about each breath you have taken today? Did you need to consciously tell your body to digest your breakfast? How does your body know how much insulin to produce? How does your body know how regulate your blood pressure? How does your body know how to grow? When you were a developing fetus, how did your body know to differentiate into the many different types of cells and get those cells in the right place?

If you really think about it, our bodies do millions of amazing things each day! And the body does all those amazing things without you even having to think about it. But how does it know to do all those things?

Well you may say it is all because a complex series of chemical and electrical reactions that take place in the body that stimulates receptors, etc. While that may be true, how did you come to know to use all those receptors and those complex series of reactions? Ultimately, it is because you have intelligence inside of you!

Your body knows how to function and survive. You did not need to teach it how to do this, it already knows. And really you can call this ability to function and survive by many different names, but in chiropractic we call this innate intelligence. Innate intelligence is the inherent intelligence in your body that knows how to do all those many things so you can live and thrive.

Nerve System

Now all those different functions that we mentioned before are all controlled by one thing: the brain. In the end, the brain takes all those signals and information in and sends out signals to the body to control all those functions. The information comes and goes to the brain and body via the nerve system.

The nerve system is the complex network of nerves that go to all parts of the body. The nerves allow the signals from the body to get to the brain and the signals from the brain to get to the body. This whole system of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves is essential in having the body to function properly. If you took the nerves away could you live and function? No. When you block a nerve can the body function properly? No.

That innate intelligence we talked about earlier functions or is ‘expressed’ through the nerve system. A properly functioning nerve system allows innate intelligence to be expressed fully. Without a properly functioning nerve system the body’s innate intelligence would not be able to function at its full potential, and this would lead to varying degrees of dysfunction and break-down in the body. This could be a factor in any health problem – indigestion, numbness/tingling, depression/anxiety, pain, and anything else you can think of.

Chiropractic Care

In chiropractic we use the term ‘vertebral subluxation’ or just ‘subluxation.’ A subluxation is when the bones of the spine are misaligned or not moving properly and this in turn puts stress on the nerve system. There are many different ways that this stress may be put on the nerve system, but in the end the outcome is the same – there is interference with normal nerve function. And without normal nerve function that innate intelligence inside of you is not able to fully express itself. Again when that innate intelligence is not able to fully express itself it can lead to health problems.

Chiropractic adjustments are specific thrusts that help to restore proper movement and alignment to the spine, which relieves that stress on the nerve system. Then the nerve system will be able to more fully express that innate intelligence! The signals from the body going to the brain and from the brain to the body are able to be transmitted without interference! Then the body will do what it is designed to do and heal itself and thrive!

This really is the power of chiropractic care! It removes the interference from the nerve system so the body can function better. That is why chiropractic can help with so much more than just back and neck pain!

Now I want to be upfront that I do not believe chiropractic is a ‘cure-all’. There are many factors that can play into any disease process, and, while I believe subluxation is a big factor, it is only one of them. While I have seen many amazing things, not everyone gets ‘amazing’ results. Your diet, exercise, the amount of stress you are under and other factors all play a part in your health. In the end while the body can do amazing things—a lot more than you probably think possible—there are limits to what it can do. But I do firmly believe that even if you don’t get the results you hope for, you are better off without subluxations than you were before.

In closing I just want to say that I love being a chiropractor! It is awesome and humbling to see what our bodies can accomplish when given the opportunity by removing the interference. I hope you have enjoyed this post, it helped you better understand chiropractic and it has given you something to think about. Please let me know what you think in the comments below. And if there is someone that could benefit from hearing this please share chiropractic and send them our way. Thanks!

If You Are Skeptical Of Vaccines You Must Be Crazy, Right?

Filling syringe with vaccine

Well the title of today’s blog is a little tongue and cheek. Unfortunately it is what you probably have heard over and over again presented in news reports. Even if the exact words are not used, it is clearly implied. There is being put forth the assertion that vaccines are completely safe and effective and if you question it you are anti-science and are just crazy. It really is interesting how fanatical this mantra can be and how angry people can get if you even hint at questioning that overall vaccines may not be as good as we are led to believe.

Well I will admit I am one of those ‘crazies’ that has questions about the safety and efficacy of vaccines. I truly believe there are many legitimate questions about vaccines that have not been adequately answered. I think there is a good possibility that in the long-term there are unintended negative effects of vaccination that ultimately may not outweigh the benefit.

The thing that I find funny is that those scientists and doctors that ask questions about vaccines actually make a lot more sense than those that accept that vaccines are completely safe and effective. All people questioning vaccines are not what they are often portrayed as: moms doing research on Google from websites that have no basis in fact. There are very intelligent people with strong scientific backgrounds that question the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. And most of those people are not saying the idea of vaccination is bad or that no one should be vaccinated but that there are legitimate questions that have not been answered and there may be a better way to improve immunity than vaccinations.

I was recently reminded of this when reading the transcript of an interview with Dr. Suzanne Humphries. I will touch on a few points made in this interview but I recommend you read it for yourself and see if the things mentioned there make sense. Also look into the points mentioned and see if they are true. The interview can be found here: Paul Offit’s vaccine lies deconstructed: A mind-blowing interview with Dr. Suzanne Humphries.

A little about Dr. Humphries’ background story I think is important. She did not originally question the safety and effectiveness of vaccines because she was a conventionally trained doctor. Her specialty is in nephrology which deals with kidney function. She noticed that some patients would have worsening kidney function after vaccinations. Also she was concerned about the giving of vaccines to very sick patients as a protocol with no real consideration to their health status. When she brought her concerns to hospital administrators she was basically ignored. This is what started her interest in researching vaccines.

I find the things that she talks about very fascinating. We are told that vaccines were responsible for eradicating small pox and wild polio in the US. Looking into the research and background, it is very possible that vaccines did not play a large part in the decrease in these diseases. In another presentation of hers, she talks about the history of polio in the US and some other possibilities besides the vaccine that contributed to the elimination of wild polio in the US. If you are interested you can watch that presentation here: Suzanne Humphries, MD, speaking on Polio at the Association of Natural Health Conference

So in this current interview some of the things discussed are:

  • The measles outbreak at Disneyland
  • People vaccinated with live viruses can shed viruses after vaccination
  • A response about Dr. Paul Offit’s article “What Would Jesus Do About Measles?”
    • Dr. Offit is a big vaccine supporter and actually co-created a vaccine and likely made millions from it
  • There were predictions that due to vaccinations there would outbreaks of diseases in the future
    • This is because the diseases are not eradicated but it changes what populations are most susceptible
  • That vaccine manufacturers are not liable for damages caused by vaccines
    • There is actually a ‘vaccine court’ that is set up to compensate those injured by vaccines
  • There is a current court case against Merck, a big vaccine manufacturer, that they falsified studies on the mumps part of the MMR vaccine to be able to keep licensure of the vaccine
  • ‘Herd immunity’ does not happen with vaccinations and there are several examples of this throughout the world, most notably in China
  • There are other studies besides the one by Dr. Wakefield that looks at a link between vaccines and autism
    • In fact Dr. Wakefield’s study was very small and the conclusion was that there was more research needed to look at the possible connection
  • The importance of nutrition in preventing and managing illness

These are just some of the main things mentioned. I think they do bring up important questions about vaccines. While I do think vaccines have an effect on the progression of the diseases they are intended to prevent, do we know if that is the best thing? Could many of the chronic diseases we see today be in part related to vaccines? We really don’t know and I think these are important questions to consider. I honestly don’t think that these questions are that crazy. One thing I do know is that vaccines make their manufacturers a lot of money and there is a financial incentive for everyone to be vaccinated and the science behind them is not as ‘unquestionable’ as we are told.

If you have thoughts on the matter I would be interested to hear them, but keep it nice. There is no need for name calling, etc.

Several Advantages Of Seeking Chiropractic Care

Chirorpactic Adjustment by hand

Even though chiropractors have been a part of the health care scene for a long time, many people are still not altogether certain of what types of ailments a skilled chiropractor can help them with. Almost everyone knows that chiropractors can help with back problems, but there are other reasons to see one as well. For instance, someone suffering from tingling in their extremities might decide to seek the services of a chiropractor in Colorado Springs. These symptoms can indicate pressure on the nerves that may be alleviated by the services of a qualified chiropractor. In some cases, the right kind of chiropractic therapy can eliminate the need for more drastic measures such as surgery.

Headaches are another common condition that can often be alleviated by a chiropractor. In fact, many primary physicians refer patients to chiropractors if they complain of excessive headaches because headaches are often a sign that something is wrong with the central nervous system. We have found that even those who suffer from severe migraines can often benefit from several sessions with a qualified chiropractor. Neck pain is another popular reason why people seek out chiropractors, and it’s particularly useful in helping alleviate the symptoms of the specific type of neck pain suffered by those who remain stationary throughout the majority of their work day.

We also believe that chiropractic care can increase the overall health of any given patient. For instance, circulation may improve in those under the care of a skilled chiropractor, and this can have a positive impact on many health conditions. Some women even report having an easier time in labor and delivery as a result of regular visits to a chiropractors’ office, while others claim that it relieves menstrual cramps significantly.

Many people have their first experience with a chiropractor as a result of a sports injury, and a significant number of professional athletes see a chiropractor on a regular basis in order to keep their bodies functioning at the highest levels possible. Sports injuries often heal a great deal more quickly if they are treated by a chiropractor along with a traditional sports medicine practitioner.

We know that chiropractic treatment can help with a wide range of ailments, but we always encourage our patients to ask questions and decide for themselves before deciding on a program of chiropractic care.

Absence Of Disease Or Optimal Function?

Man exercising & stretching (small)

I recently have been reviewing and researching some topics in relation to nutrition that has brought to mind again the differences between the medical and chiropractic approaches. Now I am not going to tell you one is better because I honestly think each has its place, however I believe there is some confusion as to what each approach is. We commonly say we have a health-care system in our country, which is really, by far, the medical approach. Unfortunately calling what we have a health-care system is incorrect because what we really have is a sick-care or disease-care system. Now again, there is not really anything wrong with that if you understand what it is. I truly believe the problem comes when people think they have health-care when it is really sick-care.

Many people out there may think, well what’s the difference? While it may seem a subtle difference to some or even just a matter of semantics, I think the difference ends up making a huge difference when it comes to health. But before we go any further, I think we need to define what health is. Contrary to what many people may believe, health is not merely the absence of disease or symptoms. If it was, then a sick-care system might be able to be called health-care. So what is health then? Health is optimal physical, mental, and social well-being. This may still be a little difficult for some to understand the difference so let’s do a little example.

Let’s say John is a 35 year old father of 2 kids, who works long hours to support his family. He sits at his desk a lot of the day at work, is stressed out, and doesn’t eat the best because he grabs something quick at the drive-thru. But at his last yearly check-up nothing showed up ‘wrong’ – his blood pressure was okay, blood tests came back within normal limits, etc. He is a little overweight but that is about it. So what do you think his doctor would say about that physical? That he was healthy? Do you think John is healthy living that lifestyle, even if nothing is ‘wrong’ yet?

You see in a sick-care system you need a ‘sickness’ or ‘disease’ to treat. If John’s cholesterol, blood pressure, or blood sugar was high then the doctor would have something to ‘treat’. And what would the treatment likely be? Honestly, it would probably be drugs to bring whatever lab values back into ‘normal’ range. Maybe the doctor would give some lip service to lifestyle changes with better diet and exercise, but to tell the truth that just isn’t the focus in the medical approach. Unfortunately, most medical doctors don’t have ‘time’ to talk about diet and exercise.

But again if absence of symptoms or disease was health, then using drugs to bring his lab values into ‘normal’ ranges could mean a return to health. Do you think that is health or perhaps is that just not being as sick as before? Perhaps the doctor would not even say he is healthy but his disease is being ‘well-managed’.

That in my mind is what a sick-care system does – it manages or cares for sickness or disease. Again at times that is what we need, but if you think that is going to give you health you would be mistaken.

So what would health-care look like? It is things that would allow you to actually be healthy. It would be a system that supports and helps people to eat better, reduce stress, exercise, etc. Things that can help your body to function at its best. This is what I believe is truly at the heart of chiropractic – helping the body to function at its best.

So going back to our example about John, while in a sick-care approach there would be little to offer him because there is no recognizable disease or sickness to treat, in a health-care approach there is a lot that could be done to help him. For example, learning some stress management techniques. Addressing his lack of exercise and poor eating habits so that he could then get the nutrients he needs to allow his body to function optimally. Regular exercise or movement is essential to a healthy body. We are designed to move and when we don’t bad things happen to our bodies. From a chiropractic perspective this especially applies to the bones of the spine. When the bones of the spine are not moving properly it affects the functioning of the nerve system, which in turn can affect the entire body. Chiropractic care helps to restore proper motion to the spine and allows your nerve system to function better and as a result you body can function more optimally.

I guess the point I want to make is this – that even if you don’t have anything ‘wrong’ with you, you can benefit from chiropractic care! Do you want to have absence of disease or optimal function?

Can Your Kids Benefit From Chiropractic Care?

Kids healthy smiling

Many parents are unaware of how their children can benefit from chiropractic care. Active children often suffer lingering pain and discomfort from sports injuries or accidents during play. Some kids are born with muscle or nerve conditions that worsen as they grow. Many of these injuries and conditions can be treated conservatively with chiropractic care.

By visiting a professional chiropractor in Colorado Springs, parents can get a better idea of what chiropractic treatments have to offer. Chiropractic treatments may be just the alternative healthcare measures your kids need to resolve problems with pain and get back on their feet and help keep them healthy.

How Can a Chiropractor Help?

Chiropractic treatments can help correct problems with spinal alignment due to sports injuries, accidental falls or even trauma from birth. Injuries of the spinal column can affect muscles and nerves, causing discomfort, pain, and a variety of other problems. Through chiropractic treatments, doctors help readjust spinal joints to alleviate pain and pressure and restore normal motion and function to the spine. At Life Symmetry Chiropractic, we offer chiropractic treatments for patients of all ages. If your child suffers from chronic body aches and pains that keep him or her from enjoying life to the full, chiropractic treatments may help.

Benefits of Chiropractic Treatments

More and more parents are discovering the benefits of chiropractic treatments for their children. The following are some common childhood afflictions that may respond well to chiropractic care:

  • Headaches
  • Earaches
  • Neck pain
  • Sleep disorders
  • Allergy symptoms
  • Asthma symptoms
  • Growing pains
  • Some forms of ADHD

Many children experience repercussions from sports injuries that continue to bother them long after their injury has healed. Chiropractic treatments can often alleviate lingering pain and discomfort so your kids can continue to enjoy an active lifestyle.

Choosing a Qualified Chiropractor

Choosing the right chiropractor is key to getting quality services for your children. By working with Life Symmetry Chiropractic, you benefit from our years of experience and expertise. Our knowledge of chiropractic treatments and techniques gives us an edge in personalizing your chiropractic treatment in Colorado Springs to meet your kids’ specific needs. We also offer excellent information on health and nutrition that can help improve your children’s overall health and well-being.

Whether your kids have a chronic condition or are suffering pain and discomfort due to accidental injuries, they can benefit from chiropractic care. By working with Life Symmetry Chiropractic, you can have full confidence that our professional staff will do all they can to restore your kids’ health with successful chiropractic results.

What Would You Do If You Didn’t Have Daily Pain?

Man with glowing backbone

You may think that is an interesting question to ask and wonder what it has to do with chiropractic. Well it is true that chiropractic helps with so much more than just relieving back and neck pain or headaches, but helping people to function better is what I love to do. And while I realize this question may not apply to everyone out there, but for those out there that do have daily pain does it affect what you do? And if you personally don’t have daily pain, chances are you know someone that does. Now it doesn’t even have to be intense pain, but any pain on a regular basis can have a negative effect on your health and well-being.

Now I want to be up front that I cannot guarantee you will have less pain with chiropractic care or that chiropractic care is even a ‘pain treatment’. What I mean by that is that pain is a symptom and not truly the problem and that there is some underlying issue that is creating pain to help alert you to that problem. The aim of chiropractic is not to take away pain but to address underlying problems that are diminishing your body’s innate ability to heal and be well.

Pain can have many causes, but one thing that can lead to pain is spinal subluxation, which is a misalignment or improper movement of the bones of the spine that leads to altered nerve function. And the thing is that no other type of doctor besides a chiropractor is looking for a spinal subluxation.

The reason I ask the question, ‘What would you do if you didn’t have daily pain?’ because I see it all the time where patients have just come to accept the pain they are in and think it is ‘normal’ for them. That they must just live with the pain. And again while there are still some that remain in pain, there are many more that have their eyes opened to what is possible for them. When they may do something to aggravate the pain I hear things like ‘The pain is not as bad as it used to be, but now when I have it I know something is wrong and it is time to get checked.’

I love helping people to feel and function better. Pain is just a symptom and is the body’s way of alerting you to the problem. Often that underlying problem can be addressed with chiropractic care, and in turn the pain can be reduced or eliminated. I don’t think anyone should have to live in pain, and if I can be the means to help relieve the pain (because ultimately it is YOUR body that does the healing) and allow you to function better than before, that is what I love.

So I am asking again ‘What would you do if you didn’t have daily pain?’ I believe it is possible, but you have to give it a try!

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